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LOL (大声笑) IMO (在我看来)。
info (信息) puter (计算机)

pic (图片) sec (二)
:-)(快乐);-)(开玩笑):-((伤心):- O的(惊讶)


1.What does this passage mainly talk about?
Opinions about competition are different among people.
2.Why do some people favor competition according to the passage?
It pushes society forward.
3.The underlined phrase"the most vocal"in paragraph 3 means those who are against competition most strongly.
第三段中划线的“the most vocal”意思是指那些对竞争持强烈反对意见的人们.

I can't accept that one has the double emotion.Is it tiring?No matter whether you have the mind,I can be hard to understand you and not to communicate with you,for I find one-person enough.

It is better to remember the promise.

I can not accept that a man with two feelings., don't you feel tired? Regardless of whether intentionally or not, I can not understand it. Don't speak to you, because I feel myself is enough. It is better to remember the promise.

A person has two emotions, I can not accept it not tired? Whether or not intentional, so I can not comprehend, do not talk to you because I feel a person sufficient
Remember the agreement“记得约定就好”

A man with two feelings, I can not accept, don't you feel tired? Regardless of whether intentionally, so I can not understand it, don't speak to you, because I feel a person remember well enough, agreed. 希望能帮你

Two affections for only one person, I can not take it, it will be too exhausted? no matter what is was, just too hard to understand. without talking to you, I am good with myself.

just remember the promise


  • 13279587292我想让大家帮我用英语翻译下汉语准确些,谢谢了
    茅蕊盛It is better to remember the promise.

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