
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Yesterday the business office (还是你是指会计/accountant?) told me that the first receipt won't work, so I showed him the second one. (S/)He told me that the second one would work, but because it was paid with foreign currency, so the government will need to evaluate it. This means, both Chinese and English version of the receipt is needed, and we might not be able to pay the bill by the end of this year since the evaluation process will take a long time. I called you today, but you weren't there. Let's discuss this further when you havec time.

你的任务:将Fugitoid逮到一个安全的地方,拣起来戴在身上就可以了,这样他就不会烦人了。在Black Street后面又出去的路

My hometown is in xxx,It's hot and wet in the summer,dry and cold in the winter,not too hot,neither too cold.Seasons are diffrent from each other,I like the type of this,it's felt well.
There's five in our family,father, mother, eld sister, eld brother and me.My parents retired and stay at home,my sister works in Suzhou,my brother is at school in Peking,I go to school somewhere far from home too.We are in the defferent places,But our heart are connected.
I have no reason for dislike my university,because she was the choice of myself.she is so beautiful and solemn where full of artistic breath;Lecturers are very strong and students are excellent too.
I like travel for it makes me discard the annoyance and forget the sorrow.I can relax the tired heart by enjoy the beautiful views,and find a lot of different views.I think travel is an indispensable part of life.
I dislike to join the student council although it's a way to build up myself,for it's not the only way .I think learning courses is more important.
I dreamed that once I was flying in the sky with superman,and walked above the clouds,I could see the little houses,small peoples and small birds flew under the feet occasionally.It's felt so excellent.

1, my hometown in (XXX) (XXX), without translation in the summer heat more rain, winter drought little rain, no special cold and special hot weather, belong to the type of the four seasons, I like the type, the feeling is very good.
2, and my house there are 5 people, father, mother, sister and brother and me, mom and dad are retired and stay at home, the elder sister in suzhou work, the elder brother go to school in Beijing, but I also on home are far (somewherer) school, although we body in different places, but our hearts are closely linked,
3 and I have no reason not to like our university, because it is my choice of school, it is beautiful and dignified, and full of artistic breath, the teachers are very strong, students also very good,
4, I like to travel, because I lost my traveling can make trouble, forget the sadness. Can see through the beautiful scenery to relax tired out heart, and can see many different scenery. I think travel is an indispensable part of life.
5 and I don't like to join the council, although student union is an exercise their place, but I feel that can exercise their place not only have this one, I think learning courses is most important.
Six, I have dreamed that I and superman a take-off in heaven, and can walk in the cloud, and bowed his head when can see little house and small people, the occasional bird flew from his feet. That feeling is really amazing.

1. My hometown is in (XXX) (XXX), without translation in the summer heat more rain, winter drought little rain, no special cold and special hot weather, belong to the type of the four seasons, I like the type, the feeling is very good. 2.My family has five people, father, mother, sister and brother and me, mom and dad are retired and stay at home, the elder sister in suzhou work, the elder brother go to school in Beijing, but I also on home are far (somewherer) school, although we body in different places, but our hearts are closely linked, 3.I have no reason not to like our university, because it is my choice of school, it is beautiful and dignified, and full of artistic breath, the teachers are very strong, students also very good, 4.I like travelling, because I lost my traveling can make trouble, forget the sadness. Can see through the beautiful scenery to relax tired out heart, and can see many different scenery. I think travel is an indispensable part of life. 5.I don't like to join the council, although student union is an exercise their place, but I feel that can exercise their place not only have this one, I think learning courses is most important. 6.Once I dreamt that I and superman a take-off in heaven, and can walk in the cloud, and bowed his head when can see little house and small people, the occasional bird flew from his feet. That feeling is really amazing.


1. my hometown lay in XX.hot and rainy in summer,dry and rainless in winter..not too hot,neither too cold...clamic vary from season to season,that kind of clamic is the style i like,it make me feel so good
lay in where..坐落于某处。。
2.there are 5 members in my family.Father ,mother ,elder sister,elder brother and i,my father has resigned,elder sister works in Suzhou,my elder brother study in Peking,and now.i m taking my school in where is far from my hometown, though we are scattered.,but our hearts are together..
北京,英文是peking.不是beijing。。鸦片战争时期还没有普通话,英文地方名都是按广东话来翻译的,例如 广东,广州叫做canton..不是guangdong
3。i have no reason to hate my university ,because it is my choose,it is beautiful and solemn,and full fill with aesthetic feeling.and also,it has excellent team of teachers,so doest a group of excellent student
i like traveling,it make me forget anoying stuff and anxiety,and the wonderful landscape ease me so much,i can see various scence by traveling around.in my opinion, traveling is a must for life.
a must for。。。对。。。来说是必须的
various 各种各样的。。

I am not so anthusastic to student ossociation,though it is a place to train,not it is not the only one,in my opinion, major learing should go first.

in my opinion 在我看来
go first。。放在第一位
i used to dream about flying with supper man,and walking on clouds,when i looked down,i could see little houses,little walking people,some times,little birds passed under my feet,that feeling was amazing
used to do。。。曾今做过。。
dream about。。梦见。。


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