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Abstract: In this paper, child care and health education through the collection of books, magazines, dissertations and network data to understand the current situation and on the basis of analysis of child health education on how to proceed, and with teaching children the value of health education and how better value of the Kids do in-depth exploration of health education. In addition to the nursery field observations by the author, and the exchange of child care teachers to understand child health education in kindergarten teaching activities of the actual situation, so as to provide the basis for the introduction of measures. To achieve a combination of protection and physical exercise, physical development, cooperation in their homes, co-ordination, physical health and mental health concept of the unity of health and good hygiene habits early childhood training purposes.

Still remember the animated "Madagascar" Alex the lion, Mama Di spot, Mehlman giraffe, hippopotamus Geluoliya "group of four"? The animals will set foot on the adventures detachment of the trip. By the DreamWorks production "Madagascar 2: escape from Africa" will be released on November 7, announced the latest film posters and stills part of the story.
It is learned that the animated comedy "Madagascar 2: Africa to escape," Ben Stiller and so on in addition to the original voice people, and Bonimaike also invited to join amid such as Alec Baldwin. On a set of all the lovely small role will be to meet again with the audience - Alex the lion, Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Geluoliya Mehlman, and King Julien, Maurice and that there are a few funny penguin Have all decided to flee the Africa! New York, this group of guys living in a remote desert populated island of Madagascar, hatching out of an extremely crazy, a very small possibility.
First of all, have received military training from the Penguin will be an aircraft repair old and broken, and that this could well go home, but the plane was to stay in the air, and then a sharp decline in Africa falls on the vast Great Plains. There, the zoo has been raised from a young age for the first time they see their own kind. At the same time, they quickly realize that the real jungle and imagine they are very different in Africa. Despite the plains of their long-separated relatives, romantic rivals are the crafty hunter, Africa is still a good place to look. But it really makes them feel at home there than - Central Park, please?
DreamWorks Animation Studios chairman said: "" Madagascar 2 "will be even more full of wild and bold elements. But we can always get embankment, so as not to allow penguins have robbed the main character of the show." In fact, the small penguins who do not have to worry , As DreamWorks has other plans for them. It is reported that the penguin to DreamWorks plans to take the leading role for the animated film "Madagascar Penguins", this directly to DVD versions of movies scheduled to come out next year.



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