请帮忙将以下文字翻译成英文 谢谢 翻译器就不用了

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1.in addition to the red and green cake cake, the teacher also please me to help do a small white cake.
2. if the children don't know their future is to be a scientist or sport, then ask them to choose the yellow flags.
3.in the hope that the children grow up to face difficult choices in the future, you can recall it.
4.in a long time ago, when I was a not sensible child, there was a man who supported me and respect my choice.

This text the current our country in common use and outside wall heat preservation technique and economy energy the material takes into the treatise.At the time of expanding the outside wall heat preservation strongly technically, to strengthen the development of the new economy energy material and make use of, thus make building economize on energy real can carry out.

I am not good at grammer, which makes me an awful written English.

我的偶像是史蒂文。霍金 我崇拜他是因为他的不屈和对知识的探索渴望
Stephen W.Hawking is my idol. His indomitable spirit and tireless thirst for knowledge deeply attracted me. 【我用了深深吸引我~】

每周保持2小时收听英语广播 与英语为母语的外国朋友保持对话 看一些英文报刊
I keep learning English all the time. I spend about 2 hours on listening English broadcasting every week. I also keep in touch with some foreign friends whose mother tongues are English.

我希望可以结识更多的外国朋友 您可以把他们介绍给我认识吗? 另外 您的邮箱地址和MSN号码是多少呢?谢谢
I wish to get acquainted with some more foreigners. Can you introduce some of your friends for me? By the way, what is your email address and MSN account? Thanks a lot.

Reading some simple English materials and articles. 【阅读就可以了吧,为什么还要用英文阅读……后面写的够明白了】

Has oral communication with foreigners. 【我用了日常沟通~因为这就是最基本的交流了】

Has the capability of understanding most of the words in movies and broadcastings.


I have not study grammar well,and as a result my English writing is poor.
My idol is Stephen Hawking. I admire him because of his perseverance and the desire for the exploration of knowledge.
I listen to English radio for 2 hours per week,keep communication with my foreign friends who are English native speakers, and read some English newspapers and magazines.
I hope to know more foreign friends. Could you please introduce them to me? And could you give me your email address and msn account? Thank you.
Read some simple English materials and essays
carry out simple communications with foreigners
can understand some sentences in movies and radio



请帮忙将以下文字翻译成英文 谢谢 翻译器就不用了视频




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