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求 马达加斯加2逃向非洲的全部英文字幕(台词)~


Position: Is located the eastern hemisphere the north west, the crossequator north and south, the northeast part partial areas enter theThe Western Hemisphere. East is close to Indian Ocean, west is nearAtlantic, north separates Mediterranean Sea and the Straits ofGibraltar and Europe faces one another, northeast corner by long redsea and The Suez Canal close neighbor Asia.
Continent explanation: The Greek meaning is "the sunlight is scaldinghot".
Area: Approximately 30.2 million square kilometers (including neighborislands). Approximately composes the world land total area 20.2%, timeto Asia, for world second big continent.
Population: In 2000 the population reaches 794 million people,accounts for the world total population 12.9%, occupies the second inthe world. Black approximately composes the total population 2/3. .
Africa's natural rate of growth occupies the world first. Thepopulation distribution is not extremely balanced, Nile River coastand delta area, each square kilometer approximately 1,000 people.Desert and some arid prairies, half desert region each squarekilometer and so on Sahara, nanometer cloth, Kara Hardy not to 1person. Also has the big piece the unpopulated area.
Race: The majority of inhabitants belong to the black kind of person,other are the caucasian and the person of Asian descent, Africa is inthe world the race ingredient most complex continent. Africa has morethan 700 nationalities and the clan and tribe.
Language: Their language is extremely complex, approximately has thedialect patois computation 1500 many kinds of. General are many isNiger - 科尔多 凡语 is, the Nero - Sahara language family, theAsian - non- language family and the branch Ethan language family.
Religion: Believes in the primitive religion and the Islamism, theminority person believes in Catholicism and Christianity.
Scope: East the mainland to the Kazak abundant angle (north latitude10°27 ', east longitude 51°24 '), the winter solstice distress adds勒斯 the angle (south latitudes 34°51 ', east longitude 20°02 '),west to Cape Verde (north latitude 14°45 ', west longitude 17°33 '),north to 吉兰 angle (this match card angle) (north latitude 37°21', east longitude 9°50 ').

Political area and country

Africa at present has 56 countries and the area. In the geography, thecustom Africa will divide into North Africa, East Africa, the WestAfrica, Central Africa and the South African five areas. North Africausually includes Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco,Azores Islands, 马德 pulls the archipelago. East Africa usuallyincludes Ethiopia, the distress sets up the Terry Asia, Somalia,Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the seychelles.The West Africa usually includes Mauritania, Western Sahara,Senegalese, Gambian, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinean, the Guinean Bassau,Cape Verde, the Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ketediwa, Ghana, Togo, Berlin,Niger, Nigeria and adds that favorable archipelago. Middle Africausually includes Chad, Central Africa, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea,Gabon, Congo, the Congo democratic republic, Sao Tome and Principe.South Africa usually includes Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi,Mozambique, 博茨瓦纳, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho,Madagascar, Comoro, Mauritius, keeps Nepali Wang, the saint hellertakes and so on.


The gold, the diamond, the iron, the manganese, the apatite,the bauxite, the copper, the uranium, the tin, the petroleum and so onthe output all holds the important status in the world. The lightindustry take the livestock product processing, the spinning andweaving as is main. The lumber industry has the certain foundation,the lumber mill are more. The heavy industry has the metallurgy, themachinery, the metal working, chemistry and the cement, the marblecollects and processes, the diamond ponders over, department and so onrubber product. The agriculture holds the important status in theAfrican country national economy, is the majority country cornerstone.Africa's grain crops type is many, has the wheat, the rice, the corn,the millet, the sorghum, the potato and so on, but also has thespecial product cassava, the musa sapientum, 椰枣, 薯芋, theedible Japanese banana and so on. Africa's industrial crop, speciallythe tropics industrial crop holds the important status in the world,the cotton, the sisal hemp, the peanut, 油棕, the cashew, the sesameseed, the coffee, the cocoa, the sugar cane, the leaf tobacco, thenatural rubber, the clove and so on the output very is all high. Thefrankincense, the medicine, 卡里特 the fruit, Ke La, the alphagrass has not been the African unique crops. Animal husbandrydevelopment quicker, domestic animal number many, but the livestockproduct marketed proportion is low, management extensive backwardness.Fishery resources rich, but the fishery production still paused in themanual operation stage, the fresh water fishery development was inrecent years quicker. Africa is a world transportation shippingindustry quite backward continent, but also has not formed theintegrity the transportation system. The majority transportation lineextends from the coastal harbor to the inland, each other mutuallyisolates. The transportation by the road primarily, has way inaddition and so on railroad, marine transportation. Area and so on theRepublic of South Africa, Magrebe is the Africa transportation quitedeveloped area. Area and so on Sahara, Kara Hardy is does not have themodern transportation line the gap. At present Africa has the roadapproximately more than 1.3 million kilometers, the railroadapproximately 78,000 kilometers. The inland river is open tonavigation the course approximately 52,000 kilometers. The marinetransportation industry occupies the important status. The aviationindustry develops quickly.

Physical geography
Coastline continental sea waterfront span 30,500 kilometers.The seacoast quite is straight, lacks the bay and the peninsula.Africa is in the world various continents an islands quantity leastcontinent. Besides the Madagascar island (world fourth Oshima), otherare many is an island. The islands total area approximately 620,000square kilometers, account for the entire continent total area not 3%.North the African continent south the width is narrow, assumes theunequal sides triangle shape. North and south longest approximately8,000 kilometers, thing widest approximately 7,500 kilometers. Africais a plateau mainland, the topography quite is smooth, the obvioussierra only is restricted in the north and south beginnings and ends.Entire continent average elevation 750 meters. The elevation 5.001million meters plateaus occupy the entire continent area above 60%.The elevation 2,000 meter above mountainous region and the plateauapproximately compose the entire continent area 5%. The elevation 200meter below plain distributes in the littoral. The topographyapproximately take the Congo democratic republic within the boundariesof Congo River river mouth to the Ethiopian plateau north edge as,southeast half higher, northwest half is lower. Southeast the half iscalled high Africa, the elevation are many above 1,000 meters, has theEthiopian plateau (elevation above 2,000 meters, has "the Africanridge" name), the East Africa plateau and the South African plateau,has the Kara Hardy basin on the South African plateau. Northwest halfis called lowers Africa, the elevation are many below 500 meters,majority of for low plateau and basin, has upstream the Nile River thebasin, the Congo basin and the Chad basin and so on. An African biggersierra stands erect in the plateau littoral, northwest coast has阿特拉斯 the sierra; Southeast the coast has the German 拉肯 Sisierra; Eastern part has the Kenyan mountain and Mt. Kilimanjaro. Mt.Kilimanjaro is the place active volcano, the elevation 5,895 meters,is the African high point. East Africa has in the world the biggestrift valley belt, east the rift valley belt south hopes the thunderriver river mouth, after the Malawi lake, goes through verticallymiddle the East Africa plateau to the north with the Ethiopian plateaumiddle, after red sea to dead sea north, long approximately 6,400kilometers; West the rift valley belt west the south Malawi lakenorthmost part, after the Tanganyika lake, base Wu Hu, the Edwardlake, the Albert lake, to the Albert Nile River river valley, the longapproximately 1,700 kilometers, extends several dozens kilometers to300 kilometers, forms a series of is long but the depth valley and thelake, Arab League Saller lake 湖面 in the sea level following 156meters, is the African land most low point. Africa's desert areaapproximately composes the entire continent area 1/3, for a desertarea biggest continent. The Sahara Desert is in the world the biggestdesert, the area 7.77 million square kilometers; The north west alsohas the nanometer cloth desert and the Kara Hardy desert. In the EastAfrica Great Rift Valley belt and its neighbor, is distributing aseries of dead volcanos and the active volcano, big volcano elevationamounts to above 5,000 meters. In Africa, west also has many bigvolcanos. The East Africa Great Rift Valley belt also is the Africanearthquake is most frequent, the most intense area. Africa's outflowregion approximately composes the entire continent area 68.2%. TheAtlantic exterior drainage are many for the well-established river,has the Nile River, Congo River, Niger river, the Senegalese river,the Walter river, the Orange river and so on. The Nile River span6,671 kilometers, are the world longest rivers. Congo River's drainagearea and the current capacity are only inferior to Amazon River, issituated the second in the world. Indian Ocean exterior drainageincluding east Zambezi river, Limpopo River, Zhu Bahe river and Africaseacoast short rivers, on Madagascar island rivers and so on. Africaflows-in the river system and not flows the area area is 9.58 millionsquare kilometers, approximately composes the entire continent totalarea 31.8%. River is perfect only has the lake chad basin. Austriacard Wan Gehe basin and Sahara Desert extremely arid, the multi-intermittent streams, in the desert are many 干谷. Flows-in the areaalso to include the area not big East Africa Great Rift Valley beltlake district, the rivers pours into the lake from all around the highground, the lake district rainfall abundantly, the network ofwaterways is dense, is different flows-in the area to other droughts.The African lake centralism distributes in the East Africa plateau,few spreads in the inland basin. The high land moor are many is afault lake, the long water depth, assumes the string of beads shapearrangement to the East Africa Great Rift Valley belt, Victoria lakeis the African biggest lake and the world second big fresh water lake;The Tanganyika lake is the world second deep lake. Is located on theEthiopian plateau the tower natrium lake is the African highest lake,the elevation 1,830 meters. The lake chad for the inland basin biggestlake, the area often changes. Africa has "the tropics mainland" thename, its climate characteristic is the high temperature, the fewrain, is dry, the climatic zone distribution assumes the north andsouth symmetrical shape. The equator crosses the central committee,the climate generally increases from the equator along with thelatitude reduces. The entire continent annual mean temperatureapproximately composes the entire continent area in 20 ℃ aboveregion 95%, half above area is all year long burning hot, has nearly ahalf area to have burning hot 暖季 and the warm cool season.Northeast Ethiopia reaches the Luo river you the annual meantemperature is 34.5 ℃, is one of world annual mean temperaturehighest places. Libya south of capital Tripoli's Arab League Qi Jiye,on September 13, 1922 the temperature reached as high as 57.8 ℃, forAfrican extreme highest temperature. Nearby the Mt. Kilimanjaroposition equator, because of the altitude, the summit died at the ageof the snow. The African precipitation reduces from the equator to thenorth and south two sides, the precipitation distributes is notextremely balanced, some areas nearly do not have the rain all yearlong, some place years fall juicy amount to above 10,000 millimeters.Entire continent 1/3 areas annual means precipitation insufficient 200millimeters. Southeast area, the Guinean bay coast and the mountainousregion windward slope precipitation are more.






据悉,动画喜剧《马达加斯加2:逃离非洲》除了本·斯蒂勒等原班配音人马之外,还邀请了伯尼·麦克和亚历克·鲍德温等加盟献声。上一集所有可爱的小角色都将再度与观众见面——狮子亚力克斯、斑马玛蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼以及河马格洛莉娅,还有King Julien、Maurice还有那几只搞笑企鹅通通都决定逃离非洲了!这群纽约来的家伙流落到一个荒芜人烟的遥远岛屿马达加斯加,孵化出一个极其疯狂、可行性相当小的计划。

Still remember the animated "Madagascar" Alex the lion, Mama Di spot, Mehlman giraffe, hippopotamus Geluoliya "group of four"? The animals will set foot on the adventures detachment of the trip. By the DreamWorks production "Madagascar 2: escape from Africa" will be released on November 7, announced the latest film posters and stills part of the story.
It is learned that the animated comedy "Madagascar 2: Africa to escape," Ben Stiller and so on in addition to the original voice people, and Bonimaike also invited to join amid such as Alec Baldwin. On a set of all the lovely small role will be to meet again with the audience - Alex the lion, Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Geluoliya Mehlman, and King Julien, Maurice and that there are a few funny penguin Have all decided to flee the Africa! New York, this group of guys living in a remote desert populated island of Madagascar, hatching out of an extremely crazy, a very small possibility.
First of all, have received military training from the Penguin will be an aircraft repair old and broken, and that this could well go home, but the plane was to stay in the air, and then a sharp decline in Africa falls on the vast Great Plains. There, the zoo has been raised from a young age for the first time they see their own kind. At the same time, they quickly realize that the real jungle and imagine they are very different in Africa. Despite the plains of their long-separated relatives, romantic rivals are the crafty hunter, Africa is still a good place to look. But it really makes them feel at home there than - Central Park, please?
DreamWorks Animation Studios chairman said: "" Madagascar 2 "will be even more full of wild and bold elements. But we can always get embankment, so as not to allow penguins have robbed the main character of the show." In fact, the small penguins who do not have to worry , As DreamWorks has other plans for them. It is reported that the penguin to DreamWorks plans to take the leading role for the animated film "Madagascar Penguins", this directly to DVD versions of movies scheduled to come out next year.


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