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1. The biggest diamond "Cary is blue" - the weight 3,106 carats. Thediscovery to South Africa, is given to then ruler England King Edwardseven th, latter is divided 106 bright and clean small diamonds, in abig way had the world to cut the good diamond - "star of the African",it amounted to 530.

2 carats again, mounted in on the English king'spower stick. In 2. solar system hottest place sun's dead center. Most newlyestimated its temperature is 15,600 0000C.

3. On Earth rarest element astatine. Had discovered the naturalastatine element only has about 25 grams.

4. possible quickest speeds speed of light. Light the speed whichdisseminates in the vacuum is quickest, under such condition, itsspeed can amount to for 299.792458 million meters/seconds.

5. The smallest unit of length 普朗克 length, only some1000000/1000000000 centimeter (decimal point latter 34 O, then is 1).

6. North biggest desert Africa's Sahara Desert. The area approximatelyis 9.269 million square kilometers, the widest place has 5,150kilometers, the north-south range between 1 280--2 250 kilometers.

7. Biggest ocean Pacific Ocean. Including the neighbor sea, it doesnot occupy the world sea area 45.9%, the total area amounts to166.2417 million square kilometers, the average depth 3,940 meters,has covered the earth's surface 1/3.

8. Sea deepest spot Pacific Ocean Mali Asia natrium oceanic trenchbase. At present surveys the depth is 10,911 meters.

9. Biggest iceberg antarctica unique dull iceberg. According tomeasured, area above 31,000 square kilometers.

10. Longest rivers Amazon River. Its length approximately is 6,750kilometers.

11. Quickest computer Japan geoscience Yokohama research institute'sNEC Earth simulator. Its each second can carry on 3560000000000 timesof computations, supercomputer department makes by NEC a Corporationdepartment --HNSX. This machine 5,104 processors put in the cabinet,these cabinets areas are equal to 4 tennis courts

12. Earliest computer games "outer space war". From 1,961 to1962 and constructed by the American Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology student design on the PDP-I computer.

1.最大的钻石 “卡里兰”——重3 106克拉。发现于南非,被献给当时的统治者英国国王爱德华七世,后被分割成106块光洁的小钻石,产生了世界最大的切割良好的钻石——“非洲之星”,它重达530.2克拉,镶嵌在英国国王的权杖上。

2. 太阳系中最热的地方太阳的正中心。最新估计其温度是15 600 0000C。

3.地球上最稀有的元素 砹。已发现的天然砹元素只有25克左右。

4. 可能的最快速度 光速。光在真空中传播的速度最快,在这样的条件下,它的速度能达到299 792 458米/秒。

5.最小的长度单位 普朗克长度,只有10亿分之一百万厘米(小数点后34个O,然后是1)。

6.最大的沙漠非洲北部的撒哈拉沙漠。面积约为926.9万平方千米,最宽的地方有5 150千米,南北距离在1 280--2 250千米之间。

7.最大的大洋太平洋。不包括邻近的海,它占全世界海洋面积的45.9%,总面积达166 241 700平方千米,平均深度3 940米,覆盖了地球表面的1/3。

8.海洋的最深点 太平洋马里亚纳海沟的底部。目前测量到的深度是10 911米。

9.最大的冰山 南极洲特有的平板冰山。据测,面积在3.1万平方千米以上。

10.最长的河流 亚马孙河。其长度约为6 750千米。

11.最快的计算机 日本地球科学横滨研究所的NEC地球模拟器。它每秒能进行35.6万亿次计算,由NEC公司一个部门--HNSX超级计算机部制造。该机的5 104个处理器放在柜子 内,这些柜子的占地面积相当于4个网球场


World Extreme heat: Basra (Iraq) record: 58.8 ℃ cold polar world: near the South Pole (East Point) Minimum records: a maximum temperature of 89.2 ℃ Area: Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon (annual temperature 107.7 ℃, Russia), the smallest annual range of temperature regions: Quito (annual temperature 0.6 ℃, Ecuador), a very wet world: 怀厄莱阿莱 (in the U.S. state of Hawaii) the annual average of 335 rain, the annual rainfall of 12,244 mm dry polar world : Atacama Desert (South America) the average annual rainfall of less than 0.1 mm, 1845 to 1936 to 91 years, the world's rain did not rain very: Cherrapunji (India), 10,841 mm of annual precipitation, 1861 up to 20,447 mm of annual precipitation on land the world's highest point: Mount Everest (elevation 8844.43 m) the lowest point of the world's land: Dead Sea (-415 m above sea level) and the world's highest mountain, on average the largest mountain ranges: the Himalaya Mountains (elevation 7000 meters above 7,000 meters above sea level peaks, including more than 50 seats) from the structure at the bottom to the top of the peak: take Nakai Ya volcano (Mauna Kea, Hawaii, elevation 4,205 meters, 5,998 meters under the sea, with a total of up to 10 , 203 m) the largest volume of earth and volcanic mountains: Mauna Loa (Hawaii Island, 4,169 meters above sea level, volcanic volume of 75,000 cubic kilometers) on earth and the highest extinct volcanoes: Mount Aconcagua ( 6,960 meters above sea level, is the West, the southern hemisphere the peak) the highest active volcano on Earth: 奥霍斯德尔 Salado Mountain (elevation 6,893 meters) the highest island mountain: Puncak Jaya (New Guinea, elevation 4,884 m) maximum land mountain ranges: the Andes (length 7,500 km) the longest undersea mountain ranges: the mid-ocean ridge (length 80,000 km) of volcanic minimum: Li Shan (Li Shan, Japan, 1 m high) the longest mountain ranges: Cordillera (1.5 million km) the largest crater: Aso mountain (circumference of 100 kilometers, Japan), the highest number of volcano eruption: Mount Etna (210 times already, Italy), the deepest and largest doline volume: Fengjie hamlet doline (China) The longest rivers: the Nile, Amazon controversial. Nile length of 6695 km, is recognized as the world's first river, but recently, from Brazil, Peru, the composition of the two countries after a long journey expedition team discovered a new source of the Amazon, the source of the Amazon made a 6800 km length, as The first river, but the controversy caused by the experts. Water flow largest rivers: the Amazon's largest plateau: Brazil Plateau (Brazil) the highest plateau: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (China) the largest lake: Caspian's largest freshwater lake: Lake Superior's largest freshwater lake group: five of Dalian Lake (Superior Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario) most of the lakes: Lake Baikal (Russia, fresh water up to) the largest plain: the Amazon (Brazil), the largest basins: the Congo Basin (Africa) the largest Desert: Sahara Desert (Africa) the largest Peninsula: the Arabian peninsula (Asia), the largest island: Greenland (North America), the deepest trench: Mariana Trench (Pacific Ocean, -11,033 m) is the lightest sea: the Baltic Sea (Europe) (salinity is only 7 ~ 8 ‰, lower salinity in all the Gulf, only 2 ‰) most salty sea: Red Sea (north of salinity with 42 ‰, compared to the world's sea levels were much higher salinity of 35 ‰) the most shallow sea: the Sea of Azov (average 8 m) Maximum deepest sea: the Coral Sea the cleanest rivers: the Ganges (the effectiveness of water purification with automatic) Minimum sea: the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), the salt lake: Dead Sea (33.2% salinity, is located at the junction of Palestine and Jordan) the highest fresh water lake: the Lake Titicaca (Peru, Bolivia), the largest group of the longest coral reef: Great Barrier Reef (Australia), the largest river sediment concentration: the Yellow River (China) the largest hole: Gal Kyrgyz hole (99,985,403,640 square kilometers)
世界热极:巴士拉(伊拉克)最高记录:58.8℃ 世界冷极:南极点附近(东方站)最低记录:一89.2℃ 年温差最大的地区:上扬斯克和奥伊米亚康(年温差107.7℃,俄罗斯) 年温差最小的地区:基多(年温差0.6℃,厄瓜多尔) 世界湿极:怀厄莱阿莱(位于美国的夏威夷州) 每年平均有335天下雨,年降水量达12244毫米 世界干极:阿塔卡马沙漠(南美洲) 平均年降水量小于0.1毫米,1845年~1936年的91年间未曾下雨 世界雨极:乞拉朋齐(印度), 年降水量10841毫米,1861年年降水量达20447毫米 世界陆地的最高点:珠穆朗玛峰(海拔8844. 43米) 世界陆地的最低点:死海(海拔-415米) 世界上平均海拔最高且山峰最多的山脉:喜马拉雅山脉(海拔7000米以上包括海拔7000米的山峰有50多座) 从结构体底部到顶部的最高峰:冒纳凯亚火山(Mauna Kea,夏威夷岛,海拔4,205米,海下5,998米,总高达10,203米) 地球上体积最大的山及火山:冒纳罗亚火山(夏威夷岛,海拔4,169米,火山体积达75,000立方公里) 地球上最高的火山及死火山:阿空加瓜山(海拔6,960米,是西、南半球最高峰) 地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山(海拔6,893米) 最高的岛上山峰:查亚峰(新几内亚岛,海拔4,884米) 最长的陆上山脉:安第斯山脉(长7,500公里) 最长的海底山脉:中洋脊(长80,000公里) 最低的火山:笠山(笠山,日本,高1米) 最长的山系:科迪勒拉山系 (1.5万千米) 最大的火山口:阿苏山(周长100多千米,日本) 喷发次数最多的火山:埃特纳火山(已达210次,意大利) 最深的及容积最大的天坑:重庆奉节小寨天坑(中国) 最长的河流:尼罗河,亚马孙河有争议。尼罗河长度为6695公里,是公认的世界第一长河,但最近,由巴西,秘鲁两国组成的科考队经过长途跋涉,发现亚马孙河新源头,这个源头使得亚马孙河长度达到了6800公里,成为第一长河,但引起了专家们的争议。 水流量最大的河流:亚马孙河 最大的高原:巴西高原(巴西) 最高的高原:青藏高原(中国) 最大的湖泊:里海 最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖 最大的淡水湖群:五大连湖(苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖、安大略湖) 最深的湖泊:贝加尔湖(俄罗斯,淡水最多) 最大的平原:亚马逊平原(巴西) 最大的盆地:刚果盆地(非洲) 最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠(非洲) 最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛(亚洲) 最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛(北美洲) 最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟(太平洋,-11,033米) 最淡的海:波罗的海(欧洲)(海水盐度只有7~8‰,各个海湾盐度更低,只有2‰) 最咸的海:红海(北部盐度有42‰,比起世界海水准均盐度35‰高得多) 最浅的海:亚速海(平均8米) 最大最深的海:珊瑚海 最洁净的河:恒河(水质具有自动净化的功效) 最小的海:马尔马拉海(土耳其) 最咸的湖:死海(咸度33.2%,位于巴勒斯坦和约旦的交界处) 最高的淡水湖:的的喀喀湖(秘鲁,玻利维亚) 最大最长的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁(澳大利亚) 含沙量最大的河流:黄河(中国) 最大的洞:加尔吉斯洞(9998540.364万平方千米)

1、Vatican is the smallest country in the world.


2、Monaco is the density biggest country in the world.


3、South Africa is the output gold most country in the world.


4、Spinetailed Swift is the fastest bird in the world.


5、Lake Baikal is the biggest lake in the world.


6、The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.









参考资料来源:百度百科 - 世界之最

Brazil plateau is the biggest plateau in the world
Andes Mountains is the longest and narrowest sierra in the world
Amazon River is the current capacity most river in the world
Nile River is the most perpetual flow in the world
Superior lake is the biggest fresh water lake in the world
Vatican is the smallest country in the world
Monaco is the density biggest country in the world
South Africa is the output gold most country in the world
Spinetailed Swift is the fastest bird in the world
Lake Baikal is the biggest lake in the world
The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world
Everest is the highest peaks in the world


Much is better in the world of the English.


Brazil plateau is the biggest plateau in the world
Andes Mountains is the longest and narrowest sierra in the world
Amazon River is the current capacity most river in the world
Nile River is the most perpetual flow in the world
Superior lake is the biggest fresh water lake in the world
Vatican is the smallest country in the world
Monaco is the density biggest country in the world
South Africa is the output gold most country in the world
Spinetailed Swift is the fastest bird in the world
Lake Baikal is the biggest lake in the world
The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world
Everest is the highest peaks in the world


  • 15864543066英语的世界之最越多越好
    鲍妮届答:1、Vatican is the smallest country in the world.梵蒂冈是世界上最小的国家。2、Monaco is the density biggest country in the world.摩纳哥是世界上密度最大国家。3、South Africa is the output gold most country in the world.南非是世界上产量黄金最多的国家。4、Spinetailed Swift is the f...

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    鲍妮届答:回答:The five most of the world

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    鲍妮届答:10、世界含沙量最大的河流——黄河。 11、世界海拔最高的河流——雅鲁藏布江。 12、世界最高的大咸水湖——西藏的纳木错湖。 13、世界高峰最多的山脉——喜马拉雅山脉。 14、世界最高的农业种植区——西藏。 15、世界流动沙丘面积百分比最大的沙漠——塔克拉玛干沙漠。 16、世界最低的盆地——新疆吐鲁番盆地。

  • 15864543066世界之最(用英语来描述)(句子)
    鲍妮届答:比如说:Nile is the longest river in the world.尼罗河是世界上最长的河流。Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world。珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。

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    鲍妮届答:1. The Brazilian Plateau is the largest plateau in the world.2. The Andes Mountains are the longest and narrowest mountain range in the world.3. The Amazon River has the greatest discharge capacity of any river in the world.4. The Nile River is the longest river with the ...

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