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世界上最大的平原是亚马孙平原 , 面积达560万平方公里。
世界上最大的盆地是刚果盆地 面积约337万平方公里。
世界上最淡的海是波罗地海,海水含盐度只有7~8‰ 。
世界上最长的海峡是莫桑比克海峡 ,全长1670公里。
世界上最大的淡水湖泊是苏比利尔湖 ,水面积82103平方公里。
世界上最长的内流河是伏尔加河 ,3690公里。
世界上最长的运河是京杭运河 ,1801千米
世界上流经国家最多的河流是多瑙河 ,流经奥地利、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫(今塞黑)、保加利亚、乌克兰、罗马尼亚9个国家。
世界上最高落差的瀑布是安赫尔瀑布 ,总落差979米。
世界上最宽的瀑布是伊瓜苏瀑布 ,宽4000米。
世界上最大的海湾是孟加拉湾 217万平方千米。
世界上面积最小的国是梵蒂冈 0.44平方千米。
世界上面积最大的内陆国是哈萨克斯坦 ,272.49万平方千米。
世界上人口最多的国家是中国 ,约13亿。
世界上年降水量最少的地区是阿里卡 ,0.5毫米。
世界上最长的铁路是西伯利亚大铁路 ,总长9332公里。
The world's highest peak is Mount Everest, 8844 meters above sea level.
The world's largest peninsula is the Arabian Peninsula, an area of about 3,220,000 square kilometers.
The world's largest archipelago is Malaysia, with a total area of about 2,430,000 square kilometers, an area of the island in the world accounting for about 20%.
The world's largest highland plateau is Brazil, an area of about 5,000,000 square kilometers.
The world's largest Amazon plain is plain, an area of 5,600,000 square kilometers.
The world's largest basin of the Congo Basin is an area of about 3,370,000 square kilometers.
The world's youngest sea is the Red Sea, 4,000 years of history.
The world's most light of the Baltic Sea is, the salinity of sea water, only 7 ~ 8 ‰.
The world's longest strait is the Mozambique Channel, a total length of 1670 km.
The world's largest lake is the Caspian Sea, covering an area of 371,000 square kilometers.
The world's largest freshwater lake is Lake Superior, water area of 82,103 square kilometers.
The world's deepest lake is Lake Baikal, the greatest depth of 1940 meters.
The world's longest river is the Nile, a total length of 6670km.
With the world's longest river is the Volga River, 3690 kilometers.
Drainage area of the world's most extensive is the Amazon River, 7,050,000 sq km
The world's longest canal is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, 1801 km
The world's longest river canyon is the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, 504.6 kilometers long
The world's largest rivers flowing through the country is the Danube flows through Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, the Former Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro), Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania 9 countries.
The world's largest international cargo is the Suez Canal
The gap between the world's highest waterfall is Angel Falls, with a total drop 979 meters.
The world's widest waterfall is the Iguazu Falls, 4,000 meters wide.
The world's largest in the Gulf in the Bay of Bengal is 2,170,000 sq km.
The world's longest Rift Valley is the Great Rift Valley with a total length of nearly 6,000 km.
The world's largest country is Russia, 17,075,400 square meters.
The world's smallest country is Vatican 0.44 sq km.
The world's largest landlocked country of Kazakhstan, 2,724,900 sq km.
The world's most populous country is China, about 1.3 billion.
The world's population is at least the national Pitcairn Island, 50.
National languages of the world's largest country is Indonesia
The world's longest coastline, the country is Australia, 36,735 km.
The world's most island countries are Indonesia, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean between the size of 17,508 islands.
The world's forest cover is the largest country of Suriname, the country's total forest cover an area of 95%
The world's largest neighboring country of China, neighboring countries are: Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam.
The world's hottest cities of Basra, on July 8, 1991, 58.8 ℃.
The world's most cold of Antarctica is the place, on July 21, 1983, -89.2 ℃.
The world's highest number of rainfall last year was Hawaii, 12,244 mm.
Precipitation in the world last year at least the region is Arica, 0.5 mm.
The world's largest wind zone is the Cape of Good Hope (formerly the storm angle), up to 7 meters.
The world's longest city wall is the Great Wall, is about 12,600 years.
The world's longest rail-Siberian Railway is, with a total length 9332 km.
The world's longest highway is the Pan-American Highway with a total length of 47,515 km.
The world's most arid areas of South America's Atacama desert area
Sunshine of the world's most adequate place in Africa's Sahara Desert
Changes in the temperature of the world's most violent areas in the United States is South Dakota's fish Birkavs

比如说:Nile is the longest river in the world.尼罗河是世界上最长的河流。
Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world。珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。

美国阿灵顿国家公墓 Arlington National Cemetery
• 纽约唐人街 Chinatown in New York
• 迪斯尼乐园 Disneyland
• 旧金山金门大桥 Golden Gate Bridge
• 科罗拉多大峡谷 Grand Canyon
• 哈佛大学校园游 Harvard University Tour
• 夏威夷火山 Hawaii
• 好莱坞 Hollywood
• 费城独立厅国家公园 Indepence Hall Nat'l Park
• 美国杰斐逊纪念堂 Jefferson Memorial
• 国会图书馆 Library of Congress
• 林肯纪念堂 Lincoln Memorial
• 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• 美国总统山 Mount Rushmoore National Memorial
• 华盛顿故居 Mt Vernon - Washington's Home
• 美国航空航天博物馆 National Air and Space Museum
• 美国国家档案馆 National Archives
• 美国国家美术馆 National Gallery of Art

the most of the world

是世界之最喔,这都是吗?(如Chang chen is longest in the worid.)

美国阿灵顿国家公墓 Arlington National Cemetery is longest in the worid
• 纽约唐人街 Chinatown in New York is longest in the worid
• 迪斯尼乐园 Disneyland is longest in the worid
• 旧金山金门大桥 Golden Gate Bridge is longest in the worid
• 科罗拉多大峡谷 Grand Canyon is longest in the worid
• 哈佛大学校园游 Harvard University Tour is longest in the worid
• 夏威夷火山 Hawaii is longest in the worid
• 好莱坞 Hollywood is longest in the worid
• 费城独立厅国家公园 Indepence Hall Nat'l Park is longest in the worid
• 美国杰斐逊纪念堂 Jefferson Memorial is longest in the worid
• 国会图书馆 Library of Congress is longest in the worid
• 林肯纪念堂 Lincoln Memorial is longest in the worid
• 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology is longest in the worid
• 美国总统山 Mount Rushmoore National Memorial is longest in the worid
• 华盛顿故居 Mt Vernon - Washington's Home is longest in the worid
• 美国航空航天博物馆 National Air and Space Museum is longest in the worid
• 美国国家档案馆 National Archives is longest in the worid
• 美国国家美术馆 National Gallery of Art is longest in the worid






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