
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

When the town of Wenchuan County Yingxiuwan unarmed masses removed meltdown town primary school teaching building of the iceberg, was the immediate shock of the scene: a man kneeling servant in the rubble, arms tightly Louzhe two children, like Zhanchiyufei of an eagle. Two children still alive, and "Eagle" has been Qijue! As the child's arm Jinbao has been rigid and rescue personnel had to be Judiao tears before the child was rescued.
This man was the 29-year-old school teacher Zhang Mia. "I won the wings, gave you fly." Versatile, singing the favorite teacher-Mia lives with this interpretation of the lyrics, with Xuerouzhiqu for his students to firmly hold onto the door of his life.或
This moving story happened in Yingxiu village, Wenchuan county, the center of the earthquake. The elimentary school building was collapsed by the earthquake. When the helping crowds lifted the ruined floor looking for survivors, an unbelievable scene appeared to them: a man kneeled on the ground, clasped two children tightly within his arms, like a brave eagle protecting its offsprings. The two chirldren were still alive, but the "eagle" was dead and left two "wings" around these two unarmed children. With tears in eyes, resecuers cut off his arms and save these two children because his arms are so stiff.His name is Zhang Miya, 29 years old, a teacher in this elemantary school. It is this man, who's still in charge of his honorable duty as a public teacher until his death.
"take off my wings and use it for your flying" Zhang Miya used his yuong life to prove us what's the meaning of this sentence.he used his own body build a firm protection for his students

He didn't say anything, just kept smoking.
Her heart gets colder and colder with each second.
[What happiness could he give me when he doesn't even know how to say:"stay by my side."]
After a long time, he finally said:"What could I do to make you stay?"
女孩慢慢地说: 「回答一个问题,如果你能答到我心里就答案,我就留下来。」
She said slowly:"Answer a question. If what you said matched the answer in my heart, then I will stay."
"If I really like the flower that grows on that clif, and the chances of you dieing in the process of getting that flower is a hundred percent, would you get it for me?"
He thought for a moment and said:"Can I tell you my answer tomorrow morning?"
Her heart felt so hollow just then.
…………………… 早晨醒来,男孩已经不在 只有一张写满字的纸压在温热的牛奶杯下
When she woke up the next morning, he wasn't there anymore, only a note under the cup of milk that was still warm.
Just the first line was enought to make her heart clench.
Honey(或者Dear,darling,baby),I won't go get that flower
But please let me tell you my reason for not getting that flower for you.

Before I could be sure that anyone could love you more than I do
I don't want to go get that flower.

If you have finished reading this
and the answer is deemed satisfactory by you
then please open the door
I am just standing outside the door
holding your favourite cream bun in my hand



Born in Yanqian Village, Buyunqiao Town, Qidong Country, Hengyang, Hunan Province, in 1957.

Affected by the Wenchuan Earthquake, the classroom building of Dongqi Middle School, in Dengyang City, Sichuan Province,collapsed. At the moment of the earthquake, Tan Qianqiu, director of Dean's Office, spred his arms and leaned over the table, in order to protect 4 students. Finally these 4 students were rescued, but unfortunately Mr. Tan died.

"Mr. Tan is dean of studies in our school, double with teaching politics for 11th Graders and 12th Graders." said Xia Kaixiu, colleague of Mr. Tan, who is accompanying with Zhang Guanrong beside the body of Mr. Tan, "He is the teacher who loves students most in our school. When walking in the school and seeing even a little stone in distance, he would walk there and pick it up to prevent it hurting students at play."


Born in 1957 in Hengyang City in Hunan Province in Qidong County Buyun Town Rock before the village.
Wenchuan affected by the earthquake, Deyang City, Sichuan Province East steam secondary school buildings collapsed. The earthquake occurred at the moment, Tan, director of the school to teach the ages open arms in the desks, are under stubbornly to Huzhuo four students, four students were rescued, Mrs. teacher died.
"Tan is our school teachers to teach officers, and in Grade 11 and the third year of senior political lesson." Accompany the ex-Commissioner of Chengdu in Tam teachers remains open next summer colleagues show the teacher said, "In our school teachers, he is the most A distressed student, walk in the campus, Yuanyuandikan to the ground with a small stone he must go through Qujian, students are afraid to play when injured. "

Mr Tan was
born in Qidong County,Hengyang City,Hunan Province in 1957.With the impact of Wenchuan Earthquake, buildings of Dongqi High School in Deyang City,Sichuan Province collapsed. The moment the earthquake happened, Tan Qianqiu who was the dean of the school outspread his arms on the desk to protect the four students. As a result, the four students survived while Mr Tan was dead unfortunately.
"Mr Tan was the dean of our school , teaching politics of Grade 2 and Grade 3." said MS Xia Kaixiu who was a collegue of MS Zhang Guanrong---Mr Tan's wife. They were acompanied Mr Tan's remains. She also said," Mr Tan was one of the teachers who loved the students mostly. Everytime he saw a small stone in the distance on campus, he ran there to take it far away for fear that students would be hurt when they played."

Tan Qianqiu born in 1957,in Yanqian village of Hengyang city in Hunan province. He worked in the Donqi High school of Deyang city, Sicuan province before he died. Mr. Tan was the dean of students and taught Political for Grade 2 and Grade 3 as well.
When the Wencuan class 8.0 earthquake happened, Mr. tan was teaching in a classroom. the classrooms building of Donqi High school started to collapse because of the strong earthquake. At the important moment, Mr. Tan spread his arms and prostrated on the desk for the purpose of protecting 4 students under his body. So 4 students were saved, but unfortunately, Mr. Tan gave his life.
After Mr. Tan died, his wife Zhang Guangrong kept his body, and his colleague, Xia Kaixiu stayed with her.
"In school, Mr. Tan was one of teachers who cherished the students deeply. When he walked onto the campus, even saw there was a small stone afar off, he would pick it up, so the students wouldn’t be injured when they play there." Ms. Xia said.
这是我花了功夫译的,希望能帮上你的忙. 没想到更有几位朋友比我更快.世上还是好人多.此番不为拿分,就为宣扬平凡人的英雄.


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