英语两段话 翻译 ,中文翻译成英文?

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我想具体的再了解下你的需求。昨天可能比较匆忙,对你的需求了解的不是很准确。我了解到的是你需要一个3居室的,面积大点的,装修风格简单一点的,我们看的这个小区的。 现在我需要再和你确认一下的是,你这边应该是两个人住,那么3居室的是否是必须的?1居室或者2居室的客厅比较大的房子是否也在考虑范围?比如2居室的,总面积100平米左右,但是客厅比较大的这种房子? 因为我不确定您这边是要求大面积的3居室,还是只要客厅大就行,卧室有1间或者2.3间都可以,如果是这样的话,我选择房子的范围要大些。再一个就是你是不是只要这个小区的房子,周边的其他的小区是否也考虑?比如离这个小区位置在500米到1000米范围的?

然后就是和你说下我们昨天看的这个小区现在挂牌出租的房子情况,如果是3居室的140平米左右的房子来说,这个小区里面,昨天我带您看的16层这套应该是最好的,价格只要18000,这个小区里面现在出租的这种3室的,同样面积或者面积还要小一点的其他房子很多房主标价都在22000到25000之间,而且装修上基本都没有这套好或者差不多的,不是您喜欢的风格的。然后在这个小区里面再大点的户型就是我昨天晚上给您介绍的这个19层的,162平米的这个房子,在这个小区这个面积的房子当中,它的26000这个价格也是最划算的。 如果您这边是需要这个小区的3居室的房子,这16层和19层的这两套应该是最划算的了。

I would like to know more about your specific needs. Yesterday may be more hasty, the understanding of your needs is not very accurate. I understand that you need a 3-bedroom, large area, the decoration style is simple, we look at the district. Now I need to confirm with you, you should be two people live here, then 3 bedroom is necessary? 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom living room relatively large house is also considering the scope? Such as 2 bedroom, with a total area of 100 square meters, but the living room is relatively large this house? Because I am not sure you are asking for a large area of the 3-bedroom, or as long as the living room on the line, the bedroom has 1 or 2.3 can be, if so, I choose the scope of the house to be bigger. Another is that you are not as long as the district's house, the surrounding area is also considered other? For example, from the location of the district in the 500 meters to 1000 meters range?

And that is, and you said yesterday we see this district is now listed rental housing situation, if it is 3 bedroom 140 square meters around the house, the district which, yesterday I take you to see the 16 layer of this should be the best , The price as long as 18,000, the district which is now rented out of this 3-room, the same area or even smaller area of the other houses a lot of home buyers are priced between 22,000 to 25,000, and basically do not have this good decoration Or similar, not your favorite style. And then in this area inside the larger size of the apartment that I was last night to introduce you to this 19-story, 162 square meters of the house, in this area of the area of the house which, it's 26,000 the price is the most cost-effective. If you need this side of the 3-bedroom house, which 16 and 19 layers of these two sets should be the most cost-effective.

hi 手打的翻译 望采纳w

英式英语和美式英语在很多方面都是不同的。第一个也是最明显的不同的方面在于词汇。有上百的不同的词语在大西洋的另一边是不用的,或者意思不同。其中的一些词语是知名的: 这里讲的是美国车子用automobile 英国用car 美国高速公路用freeway 英国用motorway 美国汽油用gas 英国用petrol. 再后头一句讲作为一名旅游者,伦敦地铁用underground一词 纽约用subway一词, 然后taxi(英式英语)和cab(美式英语)

英式英语和美式英语不同的另外两方面是拼写和读音。美式拼写看上去更简单:center color program (英式 centre colour programme) 自从第一批殖民者400年前来岛美国之后, 许多因素影响了美式读音。最接近英式英语的读音能在美国东海岸听到。当爱尔兰作者GEORGE BERNARD SHAW作出很著名的评论,“英国和美国是两个被一种寻常的语言所分割的国家”的时候,他很明显在思考不同之处。但是这些异处真的很重要吗?毕竟,可能读音的差别在两国国内和两国之间是差不多的。一个伦敦人理解一个来自格拉斯高的苏格兰人比起理解一个纽约人有更多的困难。

first part: Owing to the popularity of the smart phone, people nowaday gradually become the smartphone addicts. No matter staying in public transportations, driving private cars or just walking on the road, such kinds of smartphone addicts always stick to the phone and never raise their heads. It not only endanger others' life but also theirs. In addition, this behavior cause the alienation in family as well. For instace, image a scene that all the people stare at the screen and surf internet during the dinner time, having no response to the conversation around. In this situation, the social bonding time is totally ruined. Therefore, APP do have some bad influences to our live and the future influence of it should also be deeply discussed.

second part: To the smartphone addicts whose time is dominated by smartphone, tablet and other hi-tech products, engrossing in the virtual world is becoming a common phenomenon. But at the same time, this behavior would lower the awareness of surrounding, which could greatly increase the possibilites of traffic accidents.

People also because of smart phones, has become a popular "bow clan Smartphone
Addicts", in the public transport passengers, pedestrians, and even the
passenger locomotive driving often low head using a mobile phone, not only harm
the safety of other drivers, and even their lives also abandon it. Also caused
the alienation between family, for example: everyone at the dinner table don't
chat, refers to low head clock and the Internet; Or only focus on mobile phone
screen, or the call of others. So apps for life also bring some bad influence,
the impact on the future and is worth our further discussion.
Smartphones, tablets and other technology products generated bow clan
(Smartphone Addicts), in his palm world has WeiCheng wind, is a lot of city
people's life habit, but the move greatly reduced alertness of the surrounding
environment, to induce more traffic accidents and crime of infinite possibility!

英语两段话 翻译 ,中文翻译成英文?视频




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