
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Hi, my old friends.
I admire your manipulative ability so much. Building & decorating houses, you did these all by youselves. From our perspective, it's nearly an impossible thing. How excellent you are!
You go to hack when you need wood. Although a little tired, it's full of delight of life. I am longing for this kind of life too.
There's almost no woods around us. Trees has been cleared by humans. Maybe because there're too large population in China. More people require more lands to build houses, to cultivate to grow grains. Thus the forest coverage here is far less than yours. Last time when I went to Germany, I saw a great broad of forests and all green from the plane. Really admire your life surroundings. It's like a natural Oxygen bar.
In your last email, you told me that you had been tired those days. Please take a good rest and take care of yourself. You've done lots of work. Hope your boss to raise your salary asap.
Regarding the beer, I like drinking yellow beer (wheat beer). It's dainty, not too bitter. Can you recommend several German brands for me?
My birthday is May, 10th. Will you really send soem beer to me? Thank you very much. (老外如果帮你做了什么事,不要说什么麻烦,要说谢谢,这是中西文化的不同。)However, that's will be very heavey and you may need to pay a lot for international express fees. I suggest that you recommend some brands for me. I will try to buy in local stores. If none, then you can post.
At last, please forward my best wishes to your wife. May she become more and more healthy, and recover asap.
Best Regards


Help for the helper

At age eighteen, I left my home in Brooklyn, New York, and went off to study history at Leeds University in Yorkshire, England. It was an exciting but stressful time in my life, for while trying to adjust to the novelty of unfamiliar surroundings, I was still learning to cope with the all-too-familiar pain of my father's recent death—an event with which I had not yet come to terms1.

While at the market one day, trying to decide which bunch of flowers would best brighten up my comfortable but colorless student digs2, I spied an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding onto his walking stick and his bag of apples. I rushed over and relieved him of the apples, giving him time to regain his balance.
"Thanks, luv3,?he said in that distinctive Yorkshire lilt I never tire of hearing.4 "I'm quite all right now, not to worry,?he said, smiling at me not only with his mouth but with a pair of dancing bright blue eyes.
“谢谢,小家伙3, ”他用令我百听不厌的浓重约克郡口音对我说4.”我目前很好,不必担心,”他回答说,他冲我笑着,嘴角和一双明亮蓝眼睛都充满笑意.
"May I walk with you?" I inquired. "Just to make sure those apples don't become sauce prematurely."5
He laughed and said, "Now, you are a long way from home, lass. From the States, are you?"
"Only from one of them.6 New York. I'll tell you all about it as we walk.?
So began my friendship with Mr. Burns, a man whose smile and warmth would very soon come to mean a great deal to me.

My dear old friend,

I must say, you are absolutely an all round genius. I really admire you!
Your home is so close to the forest, apart from cutting your wood in there, do you play in it too?
The environmental protection in your place is so good. Last time I went, I remember a road sign standing on the side of the road. "Beware of wild deers" was written on it. Here in China, there is never any of this kind of signs and I have never ever seen a wild deer all my life, apart from the zoos!

If you intend to send me beer by mail then there is no need to send me too much. Beer is too heavy, the cost of the international express delivery would be very expensive. But others, if not too much trouble, may be you can send us some chocolate. My wife just loves chocolate!

She was very excited to hear that you are going to send us presents and she would like to thank you once again. We are also planning to send you presents too. Because in our Chinese tradition, presents recieved from friends must be returned with presents as well. So, is there any Chinese things that you like? Please just tell me. By the way, if you don't mind can you tell me your birthday too, also you exact address? We need it to send you our presents.

Finally, please give my most sincere regards to your wife, wishing her a speedy recovery from her illness.

A best friend of yours,



Hi buddy! [此处称谓,朋友之间一般用名字(不是姓氏)比较好,如Dear John,Hi John!之类,更亲密的朋友可用小名、昵称。]
You are really a versatile talent, I admire you a lot!!!
As your home is so close to the forest, do you usually go to the forest for relaxing apart from lumbering?
The environment at your place is really well-protected as I remembered seeing a signboard writing "CARE FOR DEER" last time when I was visiting you. Such signboards are not possible here in China, because I’ve never seen a wild deer since my birth, I’ve only seen them in the zoo.
If you want to send me beer, please don't send too much because it’s too heavy and would be costly for the international courier. As for other things, please send me some chocolates if convenient, that’s my wife’s favorite.
My wife was very much delighted on hearing that you want to send me gifts, so thank you again. We are also thinking of sending you some gifts as in the Chinese culture, there is a tradition of reciprocity between friends. Please feel free to tell me anything you might like from China!!! Please also advise me of your birthday, and your detailed address as I may need for sending the gifts.
Finally, we wish to send our most sincere wishes to your wife for her early recovery!!!
Yours truly,
落款[你的外文名字,或汉语拼音,或者加上你夫人的名字,如卫国,小燕Weiguo & Xiaoyan]


Old friend, you really are a versatile talented person, really admire you!!!
Your home from the forest so close, in addition to the felling of trees, usually also went to the forest to play?
Environmental protection you there really well, the last time I went to you that, I saw a roadside sign, writing above "careful deer", it is not possible to see the signs, I grew up in China, never seen wild deer, only seen in zoo.
If you intend to send the beer for me, don't send too much, the beer is too heavy, the international express delivery fee will be very expensive, as for the other, if it is convenient for you to post some chocolates, my wife like to eat chocolate.
My wife heard that you want to send me a gift, she was very happy, thank you again, we also plan to send you a gift, because in our Chinese culture, with traditional Chinese reciprocity between friends, anything you have love for you, please tell me!!! And please tell me your birthday, and your specific address, I need to send a gift.
Finally, my most sincere wishes for your wife to, wish her early rehabilitation!!!

Old friend,you're really a versatile wit,I admire you so much!
As your house is near the forest,do you also have fun in the woods besides cutting down trees?
The environment protection in your hometown is quite good,last time when I was there,I remember I saw a guide board which wrote"BEWARE OF THE DEERS", it's impossible to see such kind of thing in China,I've never seen a real deer in my life except for in the zoo.
If you intend to send me some beer,don't send too much,they're too heavy and the postage could be quite a lot as it's internatinal.For other things,some chocolate would be great if it's convinient for you,my wife loves chocolates.
My wife was very happy when she knew that you're going to send me a gift,thanks for that again.We're also planning to send you a gift,because it's part of Chinese culture to exchange gifts.Please tell me if there's something you like.And please also give me the date of your birthday and your detailed address,they would be useful when I post the gift.
At last,please remember me to your wife.The best wishes for her and hope she would recover as soon as possible!


= =若这是信件,还是自己写好一点吧.......



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