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1、We know this famously in the seventeenth century and in our own country at Salem.我知道这个在十七世纪和我们国家的赛伦非常流行。
2、But the idea was clearly expressed in Europe by Martin luther who declared, "I would have no pity on the witches. I would burn them all."但是在欧洲马丁路德很清楚地阐明了他的观点,“我对这些女巫没有同情心,我会把她们都烧掉。”
3、And in European history,a relatively recent illustration of that idea was the idea of the healing power of the royal touch在欧洲历史上,对于那种观点近期的解释就是一种想法:女王的触碰有治愈的作用。
4、Men regard its nature and cause as divine, from ignorance and wonder.人类从无知和怀疑当中意识到自己的本质和目标,就像神学家。
5、And this notion of its divinity is kept up by their inability to comprehend it.神的概念就是从对它的不理解才传承下来。
6、Neither truly do I count it as a worthy opinion to hold that the body of man is polluted by God; the most impure by the most holy.坦白说,我也不会把它当成很有价值的观点——上帝污染了人类的身体。最不纯净的就是那些最神圣的东西。
7、For were the body defiled, it would be likely to be purified and sanctified, rather than polluted.要是身体真的能被污染的话,那他很可能得到了神圣的净化,而不是被污染了。
8、that perhaps is putting it a little strongly, but you certainly get the point.那也许说的有一点点太强烈了,但是你的确抓住了重点。
9、Now, health consisted--was called eucrasia, which meant a balance or equilibrium of the humors, and therefore the qualities.现在, 体制正常,也就是健康,它意味着适度的幽默,这样质量才好。
10、that Galen later on was to codify as the six non naturals.那个伽林后来要编撰the six non-naturals(笔名或书名){你根据上下文再看看吧}

at her and smiled. She smiled back, sitting ther

Chinese Kung Fu is one of the two national essence of China.
It has a long history, and is welcomed by most of the people because it can keep people healthy.
In China, you can see many people play Kung Fu in the park every morning.
Kung Fu is not only good for physical health, but also good for one’s spirit. More and more people become recognize the benefits of Kongfu. It’s already popular all over the world.

Jet Li and Jackie Chan, who is famous because of Kung Fu, has become worldwide super star. And we also have lots of films which have theme of Kongfu, such as the Kung Fu Panda. Both of them show how popular Chinese Kung Fu is.

I have been interested in Kung Fu since I was a little child. Now, I’ll show you some Kung Fu. If it seems not quite professional, please just forgive me.

A martial art is one of our two the quintessence of Chinese cultures.
lt has a long time,lt can make our body more strong and also very be welcomed by people.ever morning,we can see a lot of people play a martial art . a martial art not only keep our bodies health,but also can engage in self-cultivation.now,more and more people realize the good of a martial art. A martial art has walked out the chinese.And lt by the international pursued.
Many people had famous by a martial art ,such as Lilian jie and Chenglong.Also has many flims about a martial art ,for example The United States film Kung Fu Panda.lt seems that a martial art is very popular.
l like a martial art at very young age,The next is my show , I hope you forgive me.

Martial Arts is one of China's two national essence.
It has a long history, physical health, welcomed by the people. Every morning in the park can always see many people practicing martial arts.
Martial arts not only physical health, but also self-cultivation. Now more and more people recognize the benefits of martial arts, martial arts have been out of the country, sought after by the international community.
Jet Li is famous for martial arts, Jackie Chan has become a worldwide icon. Around, there are many martial arts films, such as the U.S. beat Kung Fu Panda, to better reflect the popularity of martial arts.
I have always liked martial arts, here I show some martial arts, I hope you bear with me.看看对不.

Martial art or wushu as we know, is one of the two quintessences of China. It has a long long history and is still popular with the common people. Nowaday every morning, lots of people are practising martial art in the garden for the purpose of body strenthening. Besides the body strenthening, martial art can also cultivate the moral character. So it is more and more popular not only inside our country but also abroad. For example, Jet Li and Jacky Chan, known for their martial art, are worldwide idols. Along with its popularity, there are so many movies about martial art, like Kungfu Panda, which is both impressive and famous.
Now, I would like to have a kungfu show for all of you. Thank you!!!

Martial arts is one of China's two essence.
It has a long history, and can strengthen body, by the common people's welcome. Every morning in the park, always can see many people in practicing the martial arts.
Martial arts can not only strengthen the body, still can cultivate one's morality raises a gender. Now more and more people have realized the benefits of martial arts, martial arts are out of the country, by the international people chase after hold in both hands.
Because of the martial arts and famous jet li and Jackie chan has become a world icon. Around the martial arts film also has a lot of, such as the United States took kung fu panda, to reflect more martial arts's popularity.
I've been like martial arts, below I will show a martial arts, hope everyone with me a lot






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