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随着十二月份的来临,我们的兴奋之情日增,因为我们有机会打开新年日历,同时亲朋好友的圣诞贺卡被邮寄过来,街上到处都是华丽的圣诞彩灯,而且我们还加入了镇上的赞歌演唱团。当然,雪是不可忽略的,面对雪的世界,我们在学校操场上堆雪人 打雪仗,玩得不亦乐乎。
在圣诞节前夕,我们家全部出动,有的负责装饰屋子;有的摆放圣诞树,饰物和吹好的气球。中午时分,当阿姨凯瑟琳带着我两个表哥到我家时,家里已经井井有条。上床睡觉之前,我们为圣诞老人留了一些红酒和饼干,然后把我们盛礼物用的袜子放着床头。我们尽可能保持清醒,以期能一睹老人面貌,但我们还是不知不觉的一觉睡到了大清早。。圣诞快乐!!在床头的袜子里,放满了各式各样的礼物和糖果,圣诞的早上天气晴朗明亮,例行的礼拜过后,我和表哥戴维拿着我们的新玩具到花园里去玩。 中饭总是让人就等,但总是出人意料,大火鸡,各式各样的蔬菜,还有圣诞布丁。鸡胸肉是我的最爱,我狼吞虎咽,以致不时被噎住。我们高兴地唱着歌,说着笑话,把看上去傻傻的纸质的圣诞帽戴在头上,然后又忍俊不禁了。 中饭过后,大人们躺在沙发上看着女王的圣诞演讲,时不时的昏睡过去,而我们小孩子则玩纸牌,然后我们边喝茶边吃大块头的上面有小雪人的圣诞蛋糕。我们小小的肚子早已容不下这些美味了,但是我们还是在那里装模作样。 睡觉时间了,我们都非常累,刚刚关上灯,我们就进入了梦乡,甜美的梦乡。

一天, Edgar 告诉Bill"我想在星期六举办一个晚会,我想让你来参加,顺便把Martha也带来吧。”
Edgar 就是这样准备他的晚会的。接着他邀请了另一个朋友Betty带一个蛋糕来,“你做的蛋糕是全世界最好吃的,我更愿意吃你做的而不是蛋糕房的”,Edgar邀请了一些其他朋友来参加晚会,他并没有忘记让每个人都带来些东西。他甚至让JimJackson 和Mary Jackson 同意在他们家举办晚会,他们同意了。
晚会举办得很成功,然而,当客人离开的时候,他们感谢了 Bill 和Martha 的音乐,Betty Mary的蛋糕,杰克逊一家人的房子以及其他一些人的贡献。对Edgar 他们只简单说了“谢谢邀请”。每个人都知道所有都是 Edgar 要求他们做的。

Commercial chain enterprise distribution center operation management for a long time, because by the influence of the planned economy, the management system of the chaos, the agency diversity. Lead to the circulation of professional intensive management to play to the advantages, scale operation, to realize the scale, development and utilization of natural resources of the people the scale in the expanded rapidly, cargo traffic volume increase sharply, transportation can develop rapidly. In order to meet different levels of consumer demand, the large quantities of goods transport to batches small batch flow. Analysis of the distribution center work flow, distribution management of distribution center and the analysis of existing problems, look for a solution. Hope to be able to help enterprise in distribution management to reduce enterprise operation cost and improve the working efficiency, better meet the demand of customers. 哈哈

Commercial chain enterprise distribution center operation management for a long time, because by the influence of the planned economy, the management system of the chaos, the agency diversity. Lead to the circulation of professional intensive management to play to the advantages, scale operation, to realize the scale, development and utilization of natural resources of the people the scale in the expanded rapidly, cargo traffic volume increase sharply, transportation can develop rapidly. In order to meet different levels of consumer demand, the large quantities of goods transport to batches small batch flow. Analysis of the distribution center work flow, distribution management of distribution center and the analysis of existing problems, look for a solution. Hope to be able to help enterprise in distribution management to reduce enterprise operation cost and improve the working efficiency, better meet the demand of customers.

Commercial chain enterprise distribution center operation management for a long time, because by the influence of the planned economy, the management system of the chaos, the agency diversity. Lead to the circulation of professional intensive management to play to the advantages, scale operation, to realize the scale, development and utilization of natural resources of the people the scale in the expanded rapidly, cargo traffic volume increase sharply, transportation can develop rapidly. In order to meet different levels of consumer demand, the large quantities of goods transport to batches small batch flow. Analysis of the distribution center work flow, distribution management of distribution center and the analysis of existing problems, look for a solution. Hope to be able to help enterprise in distribution management to reduce enterprise operation cost and improve the working efficiency, better meet the demand of customers.亲 英语能力有限





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