有哪位好心人,帮我翻译翻译,翻译成英语 我们据中考还有53天,时间短暂,我们要好好珍惜,为理想...

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

jì néng
technical ability; skill; technique; art; mastery of a skill or technique:
生产技能 skill in production
语言技能 language skills
工艺技能 industrial skills
运用技能从事某项工作 bring skill to bear upon a work
技能卓绝。 One's technical ability is above all others.
学习外国语是学习一种新技能,还是获取新知识呢? Is learning a foreign language a question of learning new skills or a question of acquiring new knowledge?
阅读和写作是两种不同的技能。 Reading and writing are two different skills.

My English is so bad that there is a good person who can translate it for me.



There is only fifty-three days left before we take part in the Mid-Term Examination. Time is short so we should value it and fight for dreams. Don't ever depend on tomorrows. Cherish every second.


It is only 53 days before the Senior High School Entrance Examination .Time is limited.We should treasure our time to fight for our dreams .Don't still rely on tomorrows .Please make full use of every second.
There is only 53 days left before the Senior High School Entrance Examination .Time is limited.We should make full use of our time and work hard for our dreams.Don't even depend on
tomorrows .Let's treasure each minute and each second .

We according to the examination and 53 days, time is short, we should cherish, struggle for a noble ideal, tomorrow never comes, cherish every minute.

We according to the senior high school entrance examination 53 days, time is short, we should cherish, to struggle for the ideal, tomorrow never comes, cherish every minute 百度翻译的、

有哪位好心人,帮我翻译翻译,翻译成英语 我们据中考还有53天,时间短暂,我们要好好珍惜,为理想...视频

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    臧闻翔Didn't look out below 我没有料到以下的事 Watch the time go Right out the window 看着时光从窗外流过 Trying to hold on But didn't even know 我努力地想坚持 但却不知道 Wasted it all just To watch you go 我投入一切的结果 是看着你离我而去 I kept everything inside and 我...

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    臧闻翔在没有这样的通知的情况下,你的同意是假定的。如果您选择允许我们通过电子邮件进行通信,我们将不采取任何额外的安全措施(如加密 亲爱的徐燕旭,请在附件中找到有关申请的资料。如果您无法查看所附文档或未收到文档,请通过将此电子邮件转发到https:\/\/dmp -portal.cic.gc.ca\/cicemail\/intro-eng.aspx...

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