
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

A: Hello. This is Mike .Who's that ?
B:This is Helen. May I speak to David?
A:Please hang on for a moment. I'll go and see whether he's here.
B:OK. Thank you .
A:Sorry. David is busy now. Can I get him a message?
B: OK. Please tell him that the date of the appointment has been changed to tomorrow.
A: That's to say there will be an appointment tomorrow?
B:Yes, that's right.
A:All right. I'll give him the message.
B: Thanks so much. Bye.
A; Goodbye.

Marriage today is very different from what it was a generation ago.Young Chinese have many luxuries in the choices they can make concerning who and when to marry and whether or not to have kids.But for me it is only a new course that needs to learn and experience.
In general,it becomes more and more indistinct to young people to make sure what is the difference between family and marriage.To begin with, they like each other.Little by little,they love mutually.Finally they shack up with the other.Thus,from one year to year,from two year to ten or even more years.Men are often busy running about for their careers so that they could raise the whole family in some degree.Girls will wait for the man as they love the boy.Girls can not help ask the boy when they will get married during their deep love.The man often answer that it won’t be long until my career is stable.But the boy never think about what the girl really want,however,the girl seem not remind that how to maintain the love without economic foundation,which may lead to mistrust.

After all,a stable income is the prior condition to hold the couple’s hands together as long as possible.By the way, it draws the concept out that-double income no kids,especially in China,since our country carrys out the policy“birth control”,the young think it a good way more than anytime before.Owing to this policy,the population in China has been controlled successfully in recent years.But it also reflect a negative side that people today are losing their responsibilities.

My teacher once asked me a question that what is the difference between your marriage attitude and that of your parents.I thought for a while and replied that status was the biggest difference.Indeed,our parents’ marriage were always relying on whether the two families were well-matched in social and economic status.But now most of us don’t.We may be influenced by TV series,classes and even novels.The concept of marriage seems to be more colorful to our generation.Marriage in the past was only a ceremony in spite of any happiness.Our advantages over our parents are we can chase the other half no matter when and where it is as soon as we find him or her.What’s more,because every family only have one kid.So we can get more support on finance from family than our parents.We can also create our company after a high degree education using our parents’ save for the past many years.As our career are becoming more and more prosperous,we must realize that it is time to pay back my parents.

If above are the first stage of our lives,the next stage is faced with our kids.By making a general look at the economic climate in the world,our next generation has a brighter future.Many world famous enterprises are purchased by Chinese companies.It means that China has integrited with the world.Our kids will have a higher starting point than us.Mixed marriage may be a short-lived trend.The attitude to marriage and family may be influenced by western culture.

In general,marriage is a culcure throughout.The root of one kind of culture has never been changed.And what support the root from beginning to end is responsbility.With love turning into marriage,something you must realize is your role and duty.People may say that we can try no marriage love.Wrong! you must be misunderstanding between the concept of marriage freedom and love itself.Sometimes we must stick to the tradition.There is an old saying in China that“No rulers, no circles”.

That marriage is a ceremony is not wrong.You can regard it as a game before the ceremony. But after the ceremony,it means a lot.No matter how old you are and whether you have been married,you must balance the relationship between marriage and family with a solemn attitude.


A : 我建议邀请一些人来吃晚餐
B: 我同意
C: 你要做什么呢?
A: 应该会做烤鸡
B: 你要怎么做呢?
A: 把涂过的鸡放进保鲜袋,将调味汁淋入,绑紧袋口,入冰箱冷藏,腌制一天以上,期间要给它翻翻身,使其均匀入味。 然后再烤。
C: 听起来好好吃哦,你要买什么食物?
A: 鸡一只;姜、蒜;盐、砂糖、生抽、胡椒粉、辣椒粉、花椒粉、再加一匙叉烧酱。
B: 你还要做什么菜呢?
C: 你可以做些青菜,焖肉,和巧克力蛋糕。


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