英语对话三人一组(关于SPORTS)的,请高手帮忙啊 !

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有关sports in china 的三人对话~

JOHN: Hi,Mike,How are you,man?

Mike:I m fine, and I have become a basketball fan recently.

John:Oh,really?That is a wonderful game filled up with energy and efforts.

Mike:YEAH,exactly.We have a countryman also,you know?He really plays well and i guess he will become an MVP!

John:You are referring to YAOming?I agree that he is a good player,but he must develop his muscle and more hustle plays as well.

Mike:But he has improved a lot!

Jonh:I have quite high standard:)

MIKE:So are you playing basketball very frequently?

John:Yes,I enjoy the game:)

Mike:I love this game as well:)It makes my life happy and fulfilling:)

3 sdudents walking on the street. talking about how to pass the examination
A, I know it is very hard to pass the examination this time, do you think so ?
B, Yes, but I think I am going to pass it no problem since I studied very hard every day
C, You shut up ! do not tell me you are the best! I know you went to the Summer Palace yesturday
A, really? If I did that , my Daddy would beat me up! No doubt !
C, See ! My Mother would not beet me, but I know (that) she will be angry at me
B, Oh! what miserable live you have? I will go to Tibet with my family right after the examination
我是做英文导游\领队培训的,这个是小菜一碟, “peice of cake”

M: Hey ,John .Would you like to play basketball with me ?
J: Oh,Mark.I'm sorry..
M(打断说):no ,please don't say no. Don't you agree that basketball is a sport attract a lot of attraction?
J: Mark. I know it is exciting to you ,but I'm too weak to play this sport, I'm afraid I will be hurt.
M:OK. But what should I do ?
J: Er...
K: Hey, John, Mark!I'm very glad to see you .What are you doing?
J: Oh,Kevin! So do I. Mark ask me how to spend this afternoon.
K: Oh,it's easy. We can ask another student to play table-tenins.
J: But we cannot find a student to play PingPang at this time and I don't think it's good for healthy to play it under the sun.How about you,Mark?
M: I have no idea, it's up to you.
K: Er.. How about swimming? It's very comfortable when you in the river or swimming pool.
J: That's good idea.
M: OK,I agree. Let's go!

我想这个应该可以在6-7分钟完成 刚刚自己念快的 只用了2分钟 早就说要回答这个 但是一直没找到时间 昨晚才打的草稿 不知道你是否需要中文的翻译 虽然打英语有点累 不过还是翻一次 有什么不好的地方 还望指教

M: 你好 约翰 你有兴趣和我去打篮球吗
J:噢 马克 对不起..
M;不,请别说不 难道你不认为篮球是一项很吸引人的运动吗?
J:马克,我知道它对你来说很刺激 但是我太弱而不能玩这个 我担心我会受伤
M 好的,但我该干什么呢
J 恩...
K 嘿,约翰 马克 我很高兴见到你们俩 你们在干什么啊
J 凯文!我也是(很高兴见到你)马克问我怎么度过这个下午.
K 这很简单啊 我们可以再叫一个同学去玩双打乒乓球啊
J 但是我们现在不可能找到另一个人去打 而且我不认为在这么炙热的阳光下玩这个有益于我们的健康
你怎么看呢 马克
M 我没什么看法 随你们的便吧
K: 那游泳怎么样 这是很舒服的当我们在河里或游泳池的时候
J 这是个好主意
M 好 我同意 那我们走吧

A:hello,tell me about yourself.so do you like sports?
B:yes,i like sports
A:what sport do you play?
B:i like playing basketball
A:oh,that's great,how about you?
C:i like playing baseball
A;ok,and i like playing table tennis
B:that sounds good

英语对话三人一组(关于SPORTS)的,请高手帮忙啊 !视频

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