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A brown hair, the nose glasses Shangjiazhaoyifu Broadside boys. He was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride it can be fun flying in the air. Who is he? He is the magical wizard small -- Harry Potter.
Harry then brave, strong and the difficulties encountered not yield the quality I admire. I think that there are thousands and thousands of young people like me. Think of yourself in peacetime life and learning difficulties encountered on a little bit frightened deter total customary warmth behind Mom and Dad's arms. Compared to Harry, I really shame. While at home, he was a couple Sanders ceremony performed by several times stronger than his cousins, the bully; In school, he was not like he wanted total gaffe make things difficult for the Hogwarts professors were horrible, horrible Voldemort chase ------ but he is still the courage to face up to everything.
He also has a strong collective sense of honor, the Academy for bringing honor; There is also a strong sense of justice, like observer, when he recovered to the memory of a friend Warner and the ball jumped off his riding has never been the flying broomsticks chase McDonough, I saw; When he really cared about his good friend Ron on when long-happy, I saw a friend of his deep friendship; When he was not allowed to own godfather -- small Sirius worried and alone bear the scars of pain when I saw him on the family treasure for the benefit of others and the precious spirit. His friendship, the loyalty of the jealousy he faced demeanor of a gentleman, he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this.
Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!




我也非常喜欢harry potter !!

A brown hair, the nose glasses Shangjiazhaoyifu Broadside boys. He was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride it can be fun flying in the air. Who is he? He is the magical wizard small -- Harry Potter.
Harry then brave, strong and the difficulties encountered not yield the quality I admire. I think that there are thousands and thousands of young people like me. Think of yourself in peacetime life and learning difficulties encountered on a little bit frightened deter total customary warmth behind Mom and Dad's arms. Compared to Harry, I really shame. While at home, he was a couple Sanders ceremony performed by several times stronger than his cousins, the bully; In school, he was not like he wanted total gaffe make things difficult for the Hogwarts professors were horrible, horrible Voldemort chase ------ but he is still the courage to face up to everything.
He also has a strong collective sense of honor, the Academy for bringing honor; There is also a strong sense of justice, like observer, when he recovered to the memory of a friend Warner and the ball jumped off his riding has never been the flying broomsticks chase McDonough, I saw; When he really cared about his good friend Ron on when long-happy, I saw a friend of his deep friendship; When he was not allowed to own godfather -- small Sirius worried and alone bear the scars of pain when I saw him on the family treasure for the benefit of others and the precious spirit. His friendship, the loyalty of the jealousy he faced demeanor of a gentleman, he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this.
Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!


A brown hair, the nose glasses Shangjiazhaoyifu Broadside boys. He was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride it can be fun flying in the air. Who is he? He is the magical wizard small -- Harry Potter.
Harry then brave, strong and the difficulties encountered not yield the quality I admire. I think that there are thousands and thousands of young people like me. Think of yourself in peacetime life and learning difficulties encountered on a little bit frightened deter total customary warmth behind Mom and Dad's arms. Compared to Harry, I really shame. While at home, he was a couple Sanders ceremony performed by several times stronger than his cousins, the bully; In school, he was not like he wanted total gaffe make things difficult for the Hogwarts professors were horrible, horrible Voldemort chase ------ but he is still the courage to face up to everything.
He also has a strong collective sense of honor, the Academy for bringing honor; There is also a strong sense of justice, like observer, when he recovered to the memory of a friend Warner and the ball jumped off his riding has never been the flying broomsticks chase McDonough, I saw; When he really cared about his good friend Ron on when long-happy, I saw a friend of his deep friendship; When he was not allowed to own godfather -- small Sirius worried and alone bear the scars of pain when I saw him on the family treasure for the benefit of others and the precious spirit. His friendship, the loyalty of the jealousy he faced demeanor of a gentleman, he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this.
Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!

看看我翻译的如何!A brown hair, the nose glasses Shangjiazhaoyifu Broadside boys. He was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride it can be fun flying in the air. Who is he? He is the magical wizard small -- Harry Potter. Harry then brave, strong and the difficulties encountered not yield the quality I admire. I think that there are thousands and thousands of young people like me. Think of yourself in peacetime life and learning difficulties encountered on a little bit frightened deter total customary warmth behind Mom and Dad's arms. Compared to Harry, I really shame. While at home, he was a couple Sanders ceremony performed by several times stronger than his cousins, the bully; In school, he was not like he wanted total gaffe make things difficult for the Hogwarts professors were horrible, horrible Voldemort chase ------ but he is still the courage to face up to everything. He also has a strong collective sense of honor, the Academy for bringing honor; There is also a strong sense of justice, like observer, when he recovered to the memory of a friend Warner and the ball jumped off his riding has never been the flying broomsticks chase McDonough, I saw; When he really cared about his good friend Ron on when long-happy, I saw a friend of his deep friendship; When he was not allowed to own godfather -- small Sirius worried and alone bear the scars of pain when I saw him on the family treasure for the benefit of others and the precious spirit. His friendship, the loyalty of the jealousy he faced demeanor of a gentleman, he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this. Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!

A brown hair, the nose glasses Shangjiazhaoyifu Broadside boys. He was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise. He has a magic broom, ride it can be fun flying in the air. Who is he? He is the magical wizard small -- Harry Potter.
Harry then brave, strong and the difficulties encountered not yield the quality I admire. I think that there are thousands and thousands of young people like me. Think of yourself in peacetime life and learning difficulties encountered on a little bit frightened deter total customary warmth behind Mom and Dad's arms. Compared to Harry, I really shame. While at home, he was a couple Sanders ceremony performed by several times stronger than his cousins, the bully; In school, he was not like he wanted total gaffe make things difficult for the Hogwarts professors were horrible, horrible Voldemort chase ------ but he is still the courage to face up to everything.
He also has a strong collective sense of honor, the Academy for bringing honor; There is also a strong sense of justice, like observer, when he recovered to the memory of a friend Warner and the ball jumped off his riding has never been the flying broomsticks chase McDonough, I saw; When he really cared about his good friend Ron on when long-happy, I saw a friend of his deep friendship; When he was not allowed to own godfather -- small Sirius worried and alone bear the scars of pain when I saw him on the family treasure for the benefit of others and the precious spirit. His friendship, the loyalty of the jealousy he faced demeanor of a gentleman, he treated setbacks positive attitude in the face of difficulties he's not daunted, I am deeply impressed by this.
Harry Potter, you are a hero, in my mind forever is a hero!


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