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I am majoring in(我主修) College of Biological Engineering Department of Biological Sciences Biotechnology 09 undergraduate bio-technology .

1 BIOTECHNOLOGY , Undergraduate
2 Grade 09,biotechnology,biology science,College of Bioengineering


  • 17099922698英语高手们帮我翻译下下面的句子吧,最好能中英对照,准确!是关于软件方 ...
    廖狗询答:install /sdCared 安装sdcard里面的文件。finding update package .正在查找升级包 verifying update package 正在验证升级包 E :signature verification failed , Installation aborted E: 签名验证失败,安装程序退出。你是在升级手机或者什么设备的固件吧?升级包有问题你检查一下。

  • 17099922698请高手们帮我翻译一些中文句子(译成英语),谢了
    廖狗询答:①公共汽车太挤了,我上不去。①The bus was so full that I couldn't get in/into it.②他染上了喝酒的习惯。②He got into the habit of drinking.③一个手指连一个小石头也抬不起来。③One finger cannot lift a small stone.④你早晨醒来时感到疲倦吗?④Do you wake up feeling tired...

  • 17099922698英语高手们,帮我翻一下“打胶” 该怎么说,
    廖狗询答:glue-sticking process.

  • 17099922698各位高手们,帮忙翻译一下英语,在下感谢万分
    廖狗询答:Good morning, my name is Li Xinyi, this year 12years old, graduated from the Far East Second primary school, I was a lively and cheerful cheerful girl. I have many hobbies, such as reading, playing chess,; love history. I hope, I can in this school.Thank you.

  • 17099922698英语高手们帮我翻译一句话,有关be subject to
    廖狗询答:subject to 易受 ... 影响的,屈服于 ... 的,让步于 ...这句话的意思是“电视节目如有变更,恕不另行通知”

  • 17099922698[英语翻译]求各位英语高手们来啊~~~``
    廖狗询答:File size of the poster exceeds maximum attachment limit of the E-mail, and was put in Dropbox. You may click the following link address and download.

  • 17099922698英语高手们,能不能帮我翻译3句话?
    廖狗询答:1. Now to social and pay no attention to folk art, folk art is gone, and hope through this activity, improving people's attention.Objective: to 2. The survey of folk art, the common people, let this art no calls from us.Meaning:3. The social public protection for art, ...

  • 17099922698嗨; 英文高手们,帮我用英文翻译出下面这几个中文昵称? 急用、谢谢...
    廖狗询答:纳尼,太难了吧,作为一个高中渣渣,我就给你翻译一下吧,《贴图》stick picture 《亲朋好友》relatives and friends 《彝族星图》看不懂,不会 《拯救》retrieval 《画心》draw hearts 《维护》safeguard 《思望》Scarlett looked at 《追求爱好》aspire after habits 《繁华夜景》Flourishing night scene...

  • 17099922698请高手们帮我(英译中)翻译这些句子。谢谢!
    廖狗询答:(过去的时间)我相信到那年年底,这个软件的高级版本会被开发出来,但我错了。11.The government promised that a new highway would be being build next July.(过去的时间)政府承诺下一年七月将开始建造一条高速公路。12.They said that by the end of the following month,the project would ...

  • 17099922698英语高手帮翻译
    廖狗询答:和一个我曾经了解,曾经吵过的人 Let's me down so 就让我这样下去 For a thousand reasons that I know 为了一千个我知道的理由 To share forever the unrest 分享永久的动荡 With all the demons I possess 和所有我拥有的恶魔 Beneath the silver moon 在银色的月亮下 Maybe you were right 也...

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