
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1.Air pollution will become more and more serious day by day, unless we do something useful
2.As a result, they feel uncomfortable
3.We do not like pollution


第一句是:智商 IQ, intelligence quotient
第二句是:很抱歉 (I'm) sorry
第三句是:再给我一次机会吧 Please give me another chance
第四句是:道歉 apology, 动词apologis(z)e
第五句是:你死了 You are dead, you are finished
第六句是:结束 Finish, conclude, (the) end, game over

I am sorry
Please give one more chance.
You are dead.
it is over

智商 Intelligence quotient

很抱歉 sorry very much

再给我一次机会吧 gives me an opportunity again

道歉 Apology

你死了 You died

结束 Conclusion


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