高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!!

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我做事认真负责,遇事沉着冷静。有良好的沟通协调能力,能在团队中起着画 龙点睛的作用。为人友善,性格稳重但又不失冲劲。善于察言观色,拥有卓越的接待能力。善于组织线下大小型活动。拥有良好的驾驶技术。
I am serious and responsible for my work. When meeting with matters, I am always steady and calm. With good abilities of communication and coordination, I can bring out the crucial point in the team. Besides, I am friendly and mature while I have a driven personality. I am good at observing people's speech and behavior. I also have mastered of reception. What's more, I am capable of organizing different knids of offline activities. I am a skilled driver, too.
As a broker of dozens of top domestic writers, I am experienced in organizing and communicating for I have contacted and held various large ground live events, such as campus lectures, bookstore sales and new book conference.


We have a happy family.

I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.

I can manage some basic cooking.

I have no working experience.

I'll need to pay 3500 euroes.
I am preparing for the ITLTS examination.
With a history of 60 years, the Folk University is adult-oriented and has been in the leading position in terms of language education.

My English Proficiency will be trained and improved.

9.北欧位于欧洲北部,包括丹麦,瑞典,冰岛,挪威 ,芬兰5个国家.它们都很发达.北欧的天气比较寒冷和潮湿. 北欧的教育水平的非常高,留学费用也不是很高. 我最喜欢的北欧的环境,我认为那里的环境非常好.
As a northern area in the Europe, North Europe includes Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway and Finland, all of which are developed countries. The weather there features coldness and humidity. In contrast with its advanced education, the area's tuition fee for foreign students is relatively low. Besides, I think the landscape in North Europe is fascinating.

Provided an acceptance to the university, I will continue my studies there until graduation.

I can live independently.

Accommodation and foods.

1. we have a happy family.
2. In my opinion, every pingpong athlete is the greatest.
3. I know a little about cooking.
4. I have no work experience
5. I have to pay 3500 Euro
6. Study IELTS
7. Folk college is an Adult Education college, which has 60 years history, and which is also a leading sheep in language education.
8. Forging and cultivating my english ability.
9. North Europe locates at the south of European, includes Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway and Finland. All of them are developed countries. The weather there is comparatively cold and wet. Education level in North Erope is very high, while the education fees are not that high. I prefer the environment of North Europe, and think that their environment is very great.
10. If i get the matriculate notice, i'll stay there for study until graduation.
11. I could live on my own very well.
12. Accommodation and food.

1. I have a happy family.
2. I think every Chinese Pingpang player is the most excellent.
3. I can do some cooking.
4. I have no working experience.
5. I should pay Euro 3,500.
6. Learn IELTS.
7. As an adult university,Folk university has a history of 60 years and it is always in the leading position in linguistic education.
8. Practise and train my English ability.
9. Located at the north of Europe,North Europe covers five developed countries including Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway and Finland. The climate there is rather cold and wet. The educational level is very high there, besides the studying tuition there is not very high. I like the climate most and I think the environment is very good.
10. If I get the letter of admission, I'll stay there studying until graduation.
11. I can live well independantly.
12. Accomodation and diet.

we have a happy family.
i think every chinese pingpang(table tennis)athlete is the most excellent.
i can cook a little food.
i don't have working experience.
i need pay 3500 euro.
study IELTS
Folk univesity is a grown-up univesity., history is 60. it is ahead in lauguage education.
training and develop my English.
9.北欧位于欧洲北部,包括丹麦,瑞典,冰岛,挪威 ,芬兰5个国家.它们都很发达.北欧的天气比较寒冷和潮湿. 北欧的教育水平的非常高,留学费用也不是很高. 我最喜欢的北欧的环境,我认为那里的环境非常好
North Europe in Europe north ,include ,Sweden,Denmark, Iceland, Norway, five country,

i can live happy meself.
accommodation and eating.

We have a happy family.
I think every pingpong player in Chinese national team is the best.
I can cook a little.
I don't have any working experience.
I have to pay 3 thousand 5 hundred Euro.
Learn IELTS.
Folk University in leading position in languange education,which has 60 years history, is an open university .
Develop and strengthen my English ability.
9.北欧位于欧洲北部,包括丹麦,瑞典,冰岛,挪威 ,芬兰5个国家.它们都很发达.北欧的天气比较寒冷和潮湿. 北欧的教育水平的非常高,留学费用也不是很高. 我最喜欢的北欧的环境,我认为那里的环境非常好.
Northern Europe locats in the north of Europe, includes five developed countries such as Denmark,Sweden,Iceland,Norway and Finland. The weather is cold and humid. It has got high educational level but not highly charge.I like the environment bacause of its beauty.
If got the letter of admission, I will study there until I graduate.
I have good survival stills.

Food and accommodation

1. We have a happy family.
2, I think every Chinese table tennis players are the best.
3. Point I will cook.
4. I have no work experience.
5. Me to pay 3,500 euros.
6. Learning Axalto.
7.Folk University is an Adult University, has 60 years of history, in language education has been in a leading position.
8. Training and cultivation of my English ability.
9. Nordic in northern Europe, including Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland five countries, which are developed. Scandinavian cold and wet weather. Nordic level of education is very high cost of studying abroad is not very high. Me the most like the Nordic environment, I think there's a very good environment.
10. If I got the admission notice from the university, I will continue to remain there until graduation learning.
11. Good, I can live independently.
12. Accommodation and catering.

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!!视频

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