哪位大侠帮我翻译以下下面的话啊,妹子我在韩国这个恶心的地方受气了, 我要跟那个放洋屁的韩国人说几句话

来自:    更新日期:早些时候




In the moral: kindness, integrity, treats people with kindness.
In character: determination not to pull out and positive, can get along with kind, have the very good team work spirit.
In the study manner: hard work, hard work, solid, innovation, ready to contact new affairs, positive attention on the leading edge of the hot spots, has the technology to explore spirit, to look at problems of syndrome differentiation.
In professional basis: has solid deep professional knowledge, can carry out interdisciplinary research work.
Able to clear the understanding, give yourself a set.
From September 2005 to June part-time tutor, long-term market sale, etc.
In May 2006-2006 years during the 10 in guangdong step electronics industry Co., LTD in huanggang branch market sales work.
In May 2007-October 2007 in huanggang very Taipei during the wedding dress shop for marketing work.
In July 2008-September WuXue gold in the beer Co., LTD practice, study the beer production process flow and inspection knowledge.
English: CET 4, has some of the listening, speaking, reading and writing, good in English literature of access for professional and translation.
Computer ability: through the C language examination, skilled in the operation of the Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Office software and AutoCAD graphics software; Be familiar with Internet access network resources.
Professional skills: master Fourier infrared spectrometer atomic absorption and other precision instruments and related operations; Can independently various physical and chemical indexes of laboratory food related detection and laboratory medicine, instrument of the daily management of the maintenance work; Master of microorganism separation, breeding, cultivation, breeding and technical training.

Yesterday about overalls thing, I want to talk to you, please don't tell me they don't wear uniforms of things, even if you please have a look yourself before you speak, don't tell me anything about you look professional like shit, now that the company rules let us wear work clothes, you should also wear, if the 100 to count, wear overalls is 60 points, ( 60 qualified ) what you wear is 59 points, I dress may be 40 points, but in nature is the same, no difference! Because it is not qualified! In addition to these I want to tell you is, yesterday you so" remind me", I don't appreciate you! Because you don't worry about me, but worry about your own interests! So, I think your behavior yesterday is turn one's stomach!

表示爱莫能助 所以干嘛去棒.子国

哪位大侠帮我翻译以下下面的话啊,妹子我在韩国这个恶心的地方受气了, 我要跟那个放洋屁的韩国人说几句话视频

  • 18772834903哪位大侠帮我翻译以下下面的话啊,妹子我在韩国这个恶心的地方受气了...
    从面怕even if you please have a look yourself before you speak, don't tell me anything about you look professional like shit, now that the company rules let us wear work clothes,

  • 18772834903哪位大侠帮忙用英语翻译一下以下这段话?急用,英语不好,怕语法错了,闹...
    从面怕Thank you very much!

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    从面怕I hope you can accept me and give me the chance.(手动,记得给我加点分)

  • 18772834903哪位大侠能帮我详细的翻译一下下面的句子具体是什么意思呢?
    从面怕签文写:昆鸟秋来化作鹏 好连快乐升飞腾 翔翔万里云霄散 余外诸禽总不能 解签:鹏好比你.诸禽比作别人.你能化鹏而去而别人做不到.你志在四方,有贵人相助,即便遇到不开心的事情也都会烟消云散,预示有更好的发展。参考资料:http:\/\/blog.sina.com.cn\/s\/blog_4baada7a010007km.html ...

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