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The acceleration of progress in economic globalization and trade internationalization has intensified the enterprise competition, the essence of which is competition among supply chains.
And in such a system, logistics plays an important role, especially when it comes the forms which has gained great attention among people, named the third or fourth party logistics.
This text selective analysises the characteristic of these two forms of logistics, and proposes that mutual benefit and high efficiency depends on the coordinated development of the two logistics forms.

工程制图 engineering drawing
房屋建筑学 building construction
工程地质与土力学 engineering geology and soil mechanics
management and progress control in work of construction projects
建筑材料 building materials
建筑结构 architectural construction
工程力学 engineering mechanics
建筑设备工程 building facilities engineering
建筑与装饰施工工艺,construction and decoration technology
建筑装饰工程预算,Budget for Decoration Project
建筑安装工程预算,Budget for Intallation Project
建设法规 Construction Regulation
工程造价控制,Control of Project Cost
Construction project estimate and budget by (detailed) list
建筑装饰与构造 architectural decoration and construction
公路工程 highway engineering

Chongqing ,a beautiful city ,lies in the southwest of China。Since 1997,Chongqing has become the economic center of Southwest China。And it is ,of course,a fantastic city which is surrounded by mountain and water and of which the population is more than 31 million
And all of them here are very kind and friendly 。Chongqing has lots of good tastes,among which hot pot is the most popular。Also it is famous for interests of places,such asFairy Mountain, A Divine Spring which are so attractive that you may lose yourself in them。

Chongqing is a most beautiful city, It is located in southwest of China ,It is a landscape around the city, a charming scenery.

The city has a population of more than 31 million people, enthusiasm, friendly. Chongqing has a lot of good things, MaLaTang, hot pot of hot pot, the most popular.

Chongqing has a lot of fun place to have XianNvShan, hot spring, a location. These places to the beautiful scenery, he didn't want to go back.

In chongqing from 1997 until now, has developed into China in the southwest of the economic center.

Chongqing , a most beautiful city, is located in southwest of China .There is a landscape around the city. It hasa charming scenery.

The city has a population of more than 31 million.They are enthusiasm,and friendly. Chongqing has a lot of good things, MaLaTang, hot pot of hot pot which is the most popular.

Chongqing has a lot of fun place to play,Forexamp, hot spring, a location. These places is the beautiful scenery, which you wonn't want to go back.
From 1997 until now, Chongqing has developed as in the southwest of the economic center.


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