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The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally "black and white cat-foot"; Chinese: 大熊猫; pinyin: dà xióng māo, literally"big bear cat"),[4] also known as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear[5] native to south central China.[1] It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda's diet is over 99% bamboo.[6] Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.[7][8]
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan, but also in neighbouring Shaanxi and Gansu.[9] As a result of farming, deforestation, and other development, the giant panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.
The giant panda is a conservation reliant vulnerable species.[10][11] A 2007 report showed 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.[12] As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries.[13] Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild,[12] while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.[14] Some reports also show that the number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise.[15] In March 2015, Mongabay stated that the wild giant panda population had increased by 268, or 16.8%, to 1,864.[16] In 2016, the IUCN reclassified the species from "endangered" to "vulnerable".[11]
While the dragon has often served as China's national symbol, internationally the giant panda appears at least as commonly.[citation needed] As such, it is becoming widely used within China in international contexts, for example since 1982 issuing gold panda bullion coins or as one of the five Fuwa mascots of the Beijing Olympics.

【扩展资料】:1、大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名称:Giant panda),属于食肉目、熊科、大熊猫亚科和大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物,体色为黑白两色,它有着圆圆的脸颊,大大的黑眼圈,胖嘟嘟的身体,标志性的内八字的行走方式,也有解剖刀般锋利的爪子。是世界上最可爱的动物之一。2、大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。据第三次全国大熊猫野外种群调查,全世界野生大熊猫不足1600只,属于中国国家一级保护动物。截止2011年10月,全国圈养大熊猫数量为333只。大熊猫最初是吃肉的,经过进化,99%的食物都是竹子了,但牙齿和消化道还保持原样,仍然划分为食肉目。野外大熊猫的寿命为18~20岁,圈养状态下可以超过30岁。3、大熊猫是中国特有种,现存的主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。

Giant pandas are rare animals in China,They live in Western China.They feed on bamboo,They are very cute.大熊猫是中国的稀有动物,它们生活在中国西部,它们以竹子为食,它们十分可爱。
Giant pandas are mild-tempered and generally do not actively attack people or other animals. When giant pandas hear unusual noises, they often escape immediately. Giant pandas'vision is extremely underdeveloped.大熊猫性情温顺,一般不主动攻击人或其他动物。当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。大熊猫的视觉极不发达。
This is because giant pandas live in dense bamboo forests for a long time, with dark light and many obstacles, making their light very short and shallow.这是由于大熊猫长期生活在密密的竹林里,光线很暗,障碍物又多,致使其目光变得十分短浅。

Protect Panda
The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.
At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas' Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas' Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much.
Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.
Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!


The Giant Panda is a mammal now usually classified in the bear family, Ursidae, native to central and southern China.

Pandas eat bamboo. Easily recognizable through its large, distinctive black patches on the eyes, ears and on its rotund body, the Giant Panda is one of the most endangered animals in the world: an estimated 1,600 pandas live in the wild and some 160 of them live in captivity, according to a 2004 census.

The Giant Panda is a mammal now usually classified in the bear family, Ursidae, native to central and southern China.

Pandas eat bamboo. Easily recognizable through its large, distinctive black patches on the eyes, ears and on its rotund body, the Giant Panda is one of the most endangered animals in the world: an estimated 1,600 pandas live in the wild and some 160 of them live in captivity, according to a 2004 census.

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  • 13055988957大熊猫的英文介绍
    璩诚飞1、Giant pandas are mild-tempered and generally do not actively attack people or other animals. When giant pandas hear unusual noises, they often escape immediately. Giant pandas'vision is extremely underdeveloped.大熊猫性情温顺,一般不主动攻击人或其他动物。当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是...

  • 13055988957如何用英语介绍熊猫?
    璩诚飞1、A black and white hair, a pair of black eyes, and slow limbs, make up a cute panda.一身黑白相间的茸毛,一对乌黑发亮的眼睛,加上行动缓慢的四肢,凑成了憨态可掬的大熊猫。2、Pandas bed look very cute. He was sleeping in his belly, sometimes gently patted his belly; sometim...

  • 13055988957介绍熊猫的外貌用英语怎么说?
    璩诚飞介绍熊猫的外貌6句话英语:1.The panda is fat and plump like a bear. Its head is round and its tail is short. Its head and body are 1.2-1.8m long and its tail is 10-12cm long.熊猫体型肥硕似熊、丰腴富态,头圆尾短,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。2. It weighs 8...

  • 13055988957熊猫的英文介绍是什么?
    璩诚飞熊猫的英文介绍是:1、The giant panda is the only mammal in the genus Ailuropoda, subfamily Ailuropoda of the order Carnivora.大熊猫属于食肉目熊科大熊猫亚科大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物。2、The giant panda is plump and plump like a bear. Its head is round and its tail is short. Its h...

  • 13055988957大熊猫英文介绍大熊猫英文简介

  • 13055988957英语作文,我喜欢最喜欢的动物是熊猫,70字左右
    璩诚飞翻译:我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,它不仅可爱,而且是中国的国宝!Now let me introduce its appearance and habits.翻译:现在让我介绍一下它的外貌和习惯。A big black rim of the eye by giant panda eyes, as if wearing a big pair of sunglasses.翻译:一个大大的黑眼圈围绕大熊猫的眼睛周围,...

  • 13055988957关于大熊猫的资料(英文的)
    璩诚飞They look fat and funny 他们看起来又胖又有趣。Theyeat bamboo 它们以竹叶为食。People all over the world like them very much 全世界的人都很喜欢他们。There used to be many pandas in China long ago 很久以前中国有很多熊猫。As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was...

  • 13055988957用英文介绍熊猫
    璩诚飞Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!保护大熊猫 大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝”。很久以前,大熊猫是中国的一种很普通的动物。然而,由于种种原因,熊猫大量地死亡,所以它们的数量也急剧下降。目前,人们正采用一种重要的手段...

  • 13055988957熊猫的外貌特征英文是什么?
    璩诚飞熊猫的外貌特征英文介绍:1、熊猫的眼睛其实很小,但是它的眼睛四周是一圈黑色的毛,因而使得熊猫看起来非常可爱。The panda's eyes are actually very small, but there is a circle of black hair around its eyes, which makes the panda look very cute.2、黑白相间的外表,有利于隐蔽在密林的...

  • 13055988957熊猫英文介绍
    璩诚飞may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.猫也叫大熊猫,是熊的一种,分布在中国中西部和西南部。黑眼圈是明显的标志。熊猫99%的食物是竹子。人工饲养的大熊猫偶尔也吃点草和鸟肉。糖,鸡蛋,鱼,水果。 本回答由网友推荐 举报| 答案纠错 |...

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