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eastern food and western food learn from each other.
Under the circumstance of globalization, it is inevitable that the eastern and western food are combined together. But from the other side, either of them has its own developing process and the long history. They cannot abandon their own features. Not only the idea of reunion for Chinese ,but also the belief of freedom for westerners are methods that they can keep their features while learning from each other.It can be illustrated by an example that KFC in China has already got rid of the insistence of traditional western cooking styles. And they start promoting some food liked by Chinese and they aim at setting up Chinese fast food. Chinese food can learn from the standardized production of western food . For western food, they'd better have the advantage of being delicious as well as good-looking. Along with the fusion of chinses and western food, both of they will become better and better. What they are good at is the charm of combination and they connection between them.

翻译很辛苦 希望能满意吧

Chinese and Western food culture learn from each other
Because of the globalization, the combination of Chinses diet and Western diet styles can't be avoided. However, on the other hand, each of them has its own history and developing pace. Thus it is impossible to combine them together completely and each of them still maintains its features---the Reunion emphasizes by Chinese people and the Freedom emphasizes by western people. Besides, they can learn from each other without changing thier advantages. For instance,after the KFC went to China, it gave up the traditional concept of western fast food and began to cook food in boiling water, which is more acceptable by most Chinese. And it is called Chinese fast food. Furthermore, Chinese food restaurants can adopt standardized production as western fast food restaurants and western fast food restaurants should try to prepare food with good look and good favor as Chinese food. As they improving and developing in this way, food culture will be much more charming and fantastic, which contains the essence of both the Chinese and western food cultures across time and space.

Down in the big wave of globalization, the mutual integration of Chinese and Western food is inevitable, but on the other hand, in the Western diet also have their own development process and a long historical background. They can not completely abandon their own characteristics, whether it is advocating the reunion of the Chinese people still believed in the freedom of the West, or in addition to the mutual integration of Chinese and Western food culture in its own characteristics, while maintaining mutual learning and common progress between the two is Another means. Example, the KFC business in China to give up the insistence on the traditional Western fast food, began to use boiled, tastes began to introduce in line with China's meals, trying to build Chinese-style fast food.Western fast food lunch you can also learn in the standardization of production. And Western dishes Chinese dishes should absorb the advantages of color, flavor and beauty. With the Western food culture exchange and integration of Chinese and Western food will become more beautiful and glamorous, this charm combines the essence of Western food culture is the food culture across time and space of the charm.


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