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以上申请者进行了初步医疗评估。为了完成这一评价,下列额外的信息是必需的:女)最近的一份报告:4)内分泌(糖尿病)请评估:糖尿病,建议治疗和管理的F - 13所示)肾病肾功能不全。评论对预后评估的最佳治疗。请重新:目前的肾功能状况,预后和风险的发展,终末期肾病(终末期肾病)移民医疗系统数字显示以上的所有医疗通信有关申请人。


Primarily responsible for: day-to-day cash reimbursement for work done in cash and bank deposits journal journal, so bank balance sheet adjustment, the cash and checks Zhuanzhangzhipiao, remittances, Golden Tax software with open votes in value-added tax, at the end of the Inland Revenue Department to check, Tax returns.

Primarily responsible for: the company's accounts receivable collection; preparation of the bank receivables certificate; affiliates reconciliation; the preparation of accounts receivable and associated companies between aging analysis of the forms and schedules; to write off the financial system of accounts receivable; The State Administration of Foreign Exchange to write off export; translation of the financial sector-related documents; customer credit management and implementation of the relevant application; maintenance provider; cargo insurance claims.

1,办公室 head office
2,资金计划处 fund planning office
3,各户处 customers office
4,信贷管理处 financial credit office
5,风险管理处 risk management office
6,财务会计处 accounting and finance office
7,内部审计处 internal auditing office
8,信息技术处 information and technology office (IT office)
9,人力资源处 human resource management office (HRM office)
10,监察室 inspection office
11,工会团委工作出 worker's union and the League office
12,机关党委 party committee office

1, office
2, funds plan
3, each
4, the letter loan administrative office
5, risk administrative office
6, finance Department of Accounting
7, internal General Accounting Office
8, information technique
9, human resource
10, inspect room
11, the labor union regiment 委 works
12, organization party 委



1,head office
2,fund planning office
3,customers office
4,financial credit office
5,risk management office
6,accounting and finance office
7,internal auditing office
8,information and technology office (IT office)
9,human resource management office (HRM office)
10,inspection office
11,worker's union and the League office
12,party committee office


  • 17027383761请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下。
    臧邹姣1, only to find a successful way, no excuses for failure 2, everyone has a chance to live their dreams 3 and do anything, I will do my best 4, loving, wise not old, fearless courage 5 winners never quit, quitters never succeed ...

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    臧邹姣"Reconsiders one:I believed that, the understanding is the teacher and the student inthe teaching process, through the knowledge accumulation, the shareand unceasingly thoroughly studies the contact, deepens to the thingthe understanding.In order to understand the educational model will lead...

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    臧邹姣Hello,I'm A's daughter, I am going to represent my father to be the contact because my father cannot speak English, and my English is not very well, so thanks for your patience.My father had been back in China on Apr 1st 2012, and we wish we could get in touch IOM ...

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    臧邹姣1. the criminal prosecution establishes the illegal evidence elimination rule ponder content abstract the illegal evidence elimination rule is the Law of Criminal Procedure cardinal principle, to protects the suspect and accused person's right has the very vital significance. It most gets ...

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    臧邹姣it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我最美的年龄给了我一段刻骨铭心的爱情...

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    臧邹姣亲爱的天使,如果你迷路了,如果你走丢了,如果你找不到我们的小窝,那么请站在原地,因为我会找到你,我会抱着你回家 Dear angel,If you're lost and unable to find our home, please stay where you are because I'll find you and take you home in my arms!

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