
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1 落基山脉是加拿大著名的景点(正确)
2 渥太华是加拿大最大的城市(错误, 应该是多伦多)
3 中国是加拿大最大的城市(错误,这个有点扯大了!)
4 我们在加拿大说英语和汉语(错误,是英语和法语)
5 林涛说汉语(正确)

My friend

My friend is a boy.He has red skin and is thin.There's a red sword in his hand too,because he likes to fight.

1, only to find a successful way, no excuses for failure
2, everyone has a chance to live their dreams
3 and do anything, I will do my best
4, loving, wise not old, fearless courage
5 winners never quit, quitters never succeed

1, only to find methods for the successful and not make excuses for failure
2, each person has the opportunity a dream come true
3, to do anything, I will do my utmost to
4, the benevolent will not have to worry about, perplexed the wise, brave and fearless
5, success will never give up, never give up those who successfully

1:Only for seeks the successful means,not in order to be defeated looks for the excuse
2:Everyone have a vainly hope for the successful opportunity
3:Do everything,I completely greatly diligently.
4:The savant does not worry,has the wisdom person not to have doubts,
the brave person is not afraid.
5:The success person absolutely does not give up, the human who gives up cannot succeed absolutely

1 Only in order to succeed in looking for the method not to look for the excuse in order to fail.
2 Everybody has a dream to become the really chance
3 Make and let the price anything I will try one's best
4 The benevolent is not worried intelligently person Huo is brave and fearless
5 The person who will never give up of winner will never succeed


  • 19115877052请英文高手帮我用英文翻译一下! 很重要的,谢谢!
    柴怕征am very that day good sorry,I have not helped you.能够和你相识一场,是我的缘分。★Can be acquainted with one another with you,is my fate.那次事件,对你实在太大影响了。★That event,affected too greatly really to you.身为你的朋友,我竟然不能帮到你。★The body for yours fri...

  • 19115877052请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下
    柴怕征One you're like a dream come true 一,你就像美梦成真,Two just want to be with you 二,就是想和你厮守。Three girl it's plain to see 三,很明显,That you're the only one for me 你就是我的唯一。Four repeat steps one through three 四,这三种感受越来越深刻。Five, make y...

  • 19115877052请各位英语高手帮我翻译一下。
    柴怕征5 winners never quit, quitters never succeed

  • 19115877052各位英语高手帮我翻译一下吧
    柴怕征1.我是一个好学生 I'm a good student.2.他将要去美国(be going)he is going to study in America.3.她昨天看了一本很无聊的书 she read a boring book yesterday.4.他昨天这个时候正在和他家的狗打架 he was quarrel with his dog yesterday at this time 5.你已经做完全部作业了吗?

  • 19115877052各位英语高手,帮助我翻译一下几句句子吧!
    柴怕征I make a sweater out of it.我做一件毛衣在它外面。 I love my new saeater.我爱我的新saeater。I have a sweater.我有一件毛衣。 My sweater is old.我的毛衣是旧的。 I want a new scarf.我想要一个新的围巾。I make a scarf out of it.我做了一条围巾在它外面。 I love my ...

  • 19115877052请各位英语高手帮我翻译下啊,谢谢了。
    柴怕征35. Like Japan in the 1960s,the old “Hermit Kingdom” is poised for an assault on the world’s markets.如同二十世纪六十年代的日本一样,这个古老的“隐形国度”已蓄势待发,准备抢占世界上的各个市场。

  • 19115877052各位英语高手们请帮我用英语翻译这段话,谢谢了。急啊~~~
    柴怕征it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我最美的年龄给了我一段刻骨铭心的爱情...

  • 19115877052请各位英语高手来帮下忙。(翻译一下中文)
    柴怕征You spare no efforts to make me a tragedy, only to make you a way to turn back.

  • 19115877052请英语高手帮我翻译一下!
    柴怕征1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...

  • 19115877052请各位英文高手帮我翻译一个句子,谢谢啦!!
    柴怕征Every body knows the principle:a mistake every one will make often--a rainbow will tell you in the sky after being rainy,"forget yourself,get more. "我是意译高手,不喜死译。我要求的是意思一样,表达更好。

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