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The quake, the earthquake during the most important is to keep calm, don't panic, can't lose reason, especially don't panic, because panic is the biggest danger. If in the outdoor should hands cling to the head, the dodge the tall buildings or dangerous thing, if in the interior, shall be immediately hide under the table, with the head of the quilt to compare insurance cover their heads.

您好:When earthquake happens, first, you should keep calm. Keeping calm can save your life. Keeping calm can make you judge the right place to hide yourself. Secondly, when earthquake stops, you should leave the dangerous place as soon as quickly. If you leave slowly, you can perhaps be trapped into the dangerous place. Thirdly, keeping good order makes us leave rapidly, avoid crowding together, which make people have less opportunity to leave. Lastly, we should learn the civilized spirit from the Japanese, who do not frighten any disaster and learn to save themselves.地震发生时,首先,你应该保持冷静。保持冷静,可以挽救你的生命。保持冷静能让你判断正确的地方把自己藏起来。其次,当地震停止后,你应该尽快离开这个危险的地方。如果你离开,慢慢地,你也许可以陷入危险的地方。第三,保持良好的秩序使我们迅速离开,避免拥挤在一起,使人们不得不离开的机会少。最后,我们应该学习日本的文明精神,谁不害怕任何灾难和学会自救。


Strong earthquake, can cause houses collapsed, levee breaches, my world, bring to people's life and property losses. In order to protect themselves when the earthquake happened. Should grasp the following emergency survival methods.
1. If in a bungalow, a sudden earthquake, must rapidly drill to bed, table, at the same time with bedding, pillow cover, head, the content such as basin, such as the earthquake gap again as soon as possible to leave housing, transfer to a safe place. When the earthquake if houses collapsed and should stay in bed or table, don't move, to wait until the earthquake has stopped in and out of the outdoors or waiting for rescue.
2. If you live in buildings, the earthquake happened, don't try to run out of the building, because time too late. The safest, most effective way is, in a timely manner to the smallest room in the between the two main wall, such as toilet, kitchen, etc. Also can hide under the furniture such as table, cabinet and the inside corner of the room, and pay attention to protect the head. Don't go to the balcony and took shelter under the window.
3. If you are in class when earthquake happened, don't panic, don't run free classroom or for going out. Near the door of the students can quickly ran to the door, in the middle and the back of the classmates can hide under the desk as soon as possible, with a bag to protect the head; Foot against the wall of the classmates all rely on, both hands to protect the head.
4. If you have left the room, don't back to the house as soon as I stopped earthquake take things. For the first time after the earthquake, and then will be aftershocks, aftershocks will be a greater threat to people.
5. If an earthquake in a public place, don't panic to run. Can improvise hide in comparison to the nearest safe place, such as ark of desk, under the stage, the orchestra pit.
6. If you are in the street, absolutely can't run into the building safety. Don't under buildings, billboards, narrow alley, bridge and other dangerous places.
7. If trapped in the building after the earthquake, the pressure should be removed to the abdomen above objects; Cover your nose and mouth with a towel, clothes, prevent the smoke suffocation; To conserve energy, trying to find food and water, create the condition, waiting for rescue.

All teachers a practice of escaping from an earthquake yesterday. It's important for us to keep safe when an earthquake happens.We should play attention to the following.
First,you'd better stay calm.If you are indoors when an earthpuake happens,youshould stay under a strong table or desk.Second,you should protect ous faces and heads with hands or other soft things.Third,you shouldn't try to run out of the buildings.If you are outdoor,move to clear areas and stay away from buildings and trees.Last but not least,don't take the lift at this moment.


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