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当地震来临时我应采取什么措施 用英语表达~

what is our evacuation plan when an earthquake hits



1、 Hide under or near a solid, non-dumping, body-shielding object in a small, supportive place; stay away from buildings outdoors, open and safe.


2、Should lie down, so that the body center of gravity to the lowest, face down, do not press the mouth and nose, in order to breathe; squat or sit down as far as possible curl up the body; grasp the solid objects around, in order to prevent falling or due to body displacement, exposed to solid objects and injuries.


3、Lower your head, cover your head and back neck with your hands. When possible, put things beside you, such as pillows and bedding, on your head to protect your head and neck. Lower your head and close your eyes to prevent foreign bodies from hurting your eyes. When possible, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to prevent dust and poison.


4、 Don't light a fire casually, because the air may be filled with flammable and explosive gases; avoid crowds and crowds. No matter what occasions, such as streets, apartments, schools, shops, entertainment places, etc. Because, in crowding, not only can not get out of danger, but may be injured by falling, trampling, collision and so on.


5、It is a better way to avoid earthquakes when they occur and to evacuate quickly to safe places after earthquakes. This is because the earthquake warning time is very short, people often can not act independently, coupled with the deformation of doors and windows, it is very difficult to run out of the room; 

if it is in the building, it is almost impossible to run out. But if the early warning phenomenon is found in the bungalow and the outdoor is relatively empty, we can try to run out of the shock absorber.



1 for your own and your family's personal safety, please hide under the table, etc.
2 when the fire immediately off the fire, fire immediately fire
3 don't run out of panic.
4 open the door, to ensure that exports
5 outdoor occasions, to protect the head, to avoid danger
6 in department stores, theaters, according to the staff's instructions
7 cars on the curb parking, the control area is prohibited.
8 be sure to pay attention to the landslide, cliff rockfall or tsunami
In the side of the mountain, steep sloping area, there is a risk of landslide, cliff rockfall, should prompt evacuation to a safe place.
9 when you want to go on foot, you should have a minimum of items.

1. 为了您自己和家人的人身安全请躲在桌子等坚固家具的下面
2. 摇晃时立即关火,失火时立即灭火
3. 不要慌张地向户外跑
4. 将门打开,确保出口
5. 户外的场合,要保护好头部,避开危险之处
6. 在百货公司、剧场时依工作人员的指示行动
7. 汽车靠路边停车,管制区域禁止行驶
8. 务必注意山崩、断崖落石或海啸
9. 避难时要徒步,携带物品应在最少限度



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