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Strong earthquake, can cause houses collapsed, levee breaches, my world, bring to people's life and property losses. In order to protect themselves when the earthquake happened. Should grasp the following emergency survival methods.
1. If in a bungalow, a sudden earthquake, must rapidly drill to bed, table, at the same time with bedding, pillow cover, head, the content such as basin, such as the earthquake gap again as soon as possible to leave housing, transfer to a safe place. When the earthquake if houses collapsed and should stay in bed or table, don't move, to wait until the earthquake has stopped in and out of the outdoors or waiting for rescue.
2. If you live in buildings, the earthquake happened, don't try to run out of the building, because time too late. The safest, most effective way is, in a timely manner to the smallest room in the between the two main wall, such as toilet, kitchen, etc. Also can hide under the furniture such as table, cabinet and the inside corner of the room, and pay attention to protect the head. Don't go to the balcony and took shelter under the window.
3. If you are in class when earthquake happened, don't panic, don't run free classroom or for going out. Near the door of the students can quickly ran to the door, in the middle and the back of the classmates can hide under the desk as soon as possible, with a bag to protect the head; Foot against the wall of the classmates all rely on, both hands to protect the head.
4. If you have left the room, don't back to the house as soon as I stopped earthquake take things. For the first time after the earthquake, and then will be aftershocks, aftershocks will be a greater threat to people.
5. If an earthquake in a public place, don't panic to run. Can improvise hide in comparison to the nearest safe place, such as ark of desk, under the stage, the orchestra pit.
6. If you are in the street, absolutely can't run into the building safety. Don't under buildings, billboards, narrow alley, bridge and other dangerous places.
7. If trapped in the building after the earthquake, the pressure should be removed to the abdomen above objects; Cover your nose and mouth with a towel, clothes, prevent the smoke suffocation; To conserve energy, trying to find food and water, create the condition, waiting for rescue.

Earthquake fire how self-care self-help: 1. For your own personal safety and your family, please hide under sturdy furniture such as a desk.
Big shaking for about 1 minute. Then we should first take into account the personal safety of your own family. First, in the lower center of gravity and the strong solid under the table to avoid, and tightly grip the table legs. In the absence of such as a desk for hiding the occasion, in any case, but also with cushions and other items to protect the head.
2. Shake off the heat immediately, extinguishing the fire immediately.
When the earthquake, there will not rely on fire engines to the fire situation. Therefore, each of us off the fire, the fire of this effort is the ability to control an important factor in earthquake disaster minimal.
3. Do not panic ran to the outdoors.
After the earthquake, panic and run out, broken glass, tile roof, billboards fall bash in the body, it is very dangerous. In addition, precast concrete wall, vending machines are also at risk of collapse, not close to these objects.
4. open the door to secure an exit.
Housing reinforced concrete structure, etc., due to the earthquake shaking can cause dislocation doors, open the door, someone in the house is closed instances occur. Please open the door to secure an exit. Usually to advance to a good case to be in the house, how to escape method, ready ladders and ropes.
5. The outdoor occasions, to protect the head, avoiding dangerous place.
When the earth violent shaking, standing instability, people will have helped by, grab something psychological. Most of the side of the post, the walls will be helped by the object. However, these things seem very strong and solid, in fact it is dangerous.
Be sure not to close the precast concrete wall, post, etc. to avoid. In the bustling street, floor area, the most dangerous is the windows, billboards and other objects falling down injured man. Pay attention to handbags and other items by hand or protect your head.
In addition, it should be noted that the vending machine overturned wounding. When floor area, depending on the circumstances, to enter the building to escape relatively safe.
6. In department stores, theaters, action according to the instructions of staff
In department stores, underground street people and more places, the most frightening thing is chaos. Please follow the instructions to store personnel, security personnel to act. On earthquakes, it said to the underground street is relatively safe. Even if a power outage occurs, the emergency lighting power will light up immediately, please be calm and take action.
In case of fire, immediately it will be full of smoke. In order to suppress the body's posture asylum, and be absolutely no smoking.
Take the elevator, then, in the event of an earthquake, a fire, you can not use the elevator. In case of an earthquake at the time to take the elevator, the operation panel on each floor button all the way down, once stopped, quickly left the elevator, confirm asylum after security. High-rise buildings as well as the recent lift of the building, are equipped with control running devices. When the earthquake occurred, the action will automatically stop at the nearest floor. The event was held in the elevator, then please lift the dedicated telephone contact with the control room, for help.
7, car parking on the roadside, with the control area is prohibited
When a major earthquake, the car will be like the tires deflated like, unable to grasp the steering wheel, it is difficult to drive. Must pay full attention to avoid the intersection to stop the car by the roadside. To pass without prejudice to the refuge and emergency evacuation vehicle, to make the middle section of the road. Most of the region's urban centers, roads will be fully closed to traffic. Full attention to the car radio broadcasting, there are police nearby, then, to act in accordance with their instructions.
Evacuation is necessary, in order not to be involved fire, the windows closed, the vehicle key is inserted in the car, do not lock the doors, and the local people and act together.
8. Be sure to pay attention to landslides, falling rocks or cliff tsunami. In the hillside, a steep tilt lots, there are landslides occurred cliff rockfall danger, should quickly to a safe place of refuge.
On the coast, there is the danger of tsunami. Perception earthquake or tsunami warning, please pay attention to radio, television and other information quickly to a safe place of refuge
9. refuge on foot, carrying goods should be a minimum limit
When due to fire caused by the earthquake, spread burning, life crisis, physical security and other circumstances, take measures refuge. Evacuation method, in principle, to the public disaster prevention organizations, streets and other units, to take refuge on foot in a responsible manner and led police, etc., to carry goods shall be a minimum limit. Absolutely can not use cars, bicycles asylum.


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