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Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》
After reading this novel,I learned something about how British classical upper-class(上层阶级) behaved and their standards of choosing spouse(伴侣).Even in the same family,they had various thoughts about marriage.Jane and Lizzy wanted to marry someone they really loved,while Lydia and Kitty preferred to find someone funny.Their parents thought highly of family wealth,and the young thought it less important.However,most of them still had a ranking sense(阶级意识).They wanted to marry someone with similar fortune,similar social position.
I love this story and enjoy reading it.

And rain, float in the air out of the window, bit by bit, dripping wet, misty, pedestrians in the fuzzy rain walk...
Perhaps is because the grown up. And we become silent, the too the loquacity suppresses in the heart, perhaps at that time, I began to use an ellipsis to replace everything about you.
Remember? In the green grass of the youth, even the hot summer, will be howling shivering.
The boy stood in the intersection, waiting for him, carrying an umbrella, as if it were waiting for a rain, a sad rain.
He waited until he, they stand in a row, go straight. Afraid of rain, as if afraid of the cold.
Rain or down, I remember, the rain of the sky is beautiful, the world is very cold light rain.
I love to go with him to the old building, it was beautiful there. On the rooftop, can look very far.
May be naughty, I lost a stone, hit people avoid leaning to either side of the car, and I ran the boy.
He said, "you go ahead, I lead them away."
I said, "but you're not sick?"
He smiled. "I'm not afraid you don't do enough!"


In the splendid 19th-century French literary stars, Victor? Hugo can be said to be the most spectacular of a star. He is a great poet, playwright outstanding reputation, novelist, and the French Romantic literary movement leader and standard-bearer. This works great, "Notre Dame de Paris" is his first caused a sensation of the Romantic novel, and its literary value and the significance of the profound social, it has experienced in nearly two centuries after the time, or in the Today was optimistic COPY, editions, which came to my hands.

I read this book in the process, I felt a strong sense of "contrast between Beauty and Ugliness." Book characters and events, even from real life, has been greatly exaggerated and intensified in the writer's boldface, a site constitutes a brilliant and bizarre images, a sharp, and even with the incredible good evil, beauty and ugliness contrast.

"Notre Dame de Paris" the plot always focus on three individuals: the good and beautiful young Esmeralda, cruel hypocrisy of Notre Dame Fuzhujiao Claude? Fuluoluo ugly appearance and feel noble people bell Gaximo more.
Bohemian girl Esmeralda is the darling of the Paris street, Maiyi living on the streets. She naive purity, and be full of compassion, and being ready to help people. Because Burenxinkan see an innocent person being executed, she accepted poet Sweet Fruit watts to do his own name, the husband, to preserve his life; see Gaximo more in the scorching sun under the lashes, she was the only mercy will be sympathetic to the water delivery to the cries from thirst and the Chunbian bell. Such a carefully noble girl, was the church, the court stigmatized as "witches", "murderers", and was sentenced to the gallows. Author of this figure portrayed as the personification of the United States and good for the United States and her soul and external complete reunification of the United States, to attract readers to her boundless compassion, resulting in the feudal monarchy and the Church's strong resentment.

As Claude and bell Fuzhujiao Gaximo people, it is completely contrary to the image of the two. Claude Daomaoanran on the surface, and led a life of poverty abstinence self-cultivation, and their hearts are yearning for Yao Yao, a secular enjoyment has become the envy. Selfish, sinister, unscrupulous. The Gaximo, the hump-back, one-eyed, deaf and the lame malformations, by the people of the world from discrimination and bullying. In Esmeralda, where he first experienced the warmth of the people, the appearance of Frankenstein vulgar brutal, Since then put all their life and warm the hands of the Esmeralda, who themselves can be for her, in order to She sacrifice their own happiness for all.

This contrast between Beauty and Ugliness to the extreme, the noble and absolute evil in the confrontation, the novel is a stirring force, we can be swept away all the emotional thinking. Perhaps this is where the charm of Romantic fiction.
"Notre Dame de Paris", the author describes with great compassion of the people of the lower deck of the Paris, vagrants and beggars. Lanlu: their clothing, Unruly behavior, but has a far better than the so-called educated, civilized people in the world of the virtues. Mutual aid, friendship, courage and integrity gave himself human virtues. Novels in Paris were rescued stray Esmeralda attack on the Notre Dame scene, tragic, intense, generous soul-obviously to a certain extent, into the July Revolution in Paris showed that the heroic spirit of the people and the destruction of the people of St. Paris, Trueman churches and the Archbishop of Paris House events. Wrote novels here, through the mouth of the book figures to predict people will be destroyed at the end of the prison bus, suggesting that the outbreak of the 1789 Revolution. 《巴黎圣母院》

没看过 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·


Impressions after reading Charlotte's Web夏洛特的网读后感

The pig lived in the farm, where also lived many other kinds of animals, such as horses, cows, geese, a rat and a spider. And who is Charlotte ? It is the spider. At first, when the little pig came into the house, other animals didn’t like him, except a spider. She asked him be quiet so that she could work hard at night, and she would like to make friends with the pig. It made the pig so happy that he had a nice sleep. And then they became good friends. The pig told the spider that his dream, then the spider promised that she would help him to make his dream come true. In the way she made some miracles to make people know the pig cannot be killed. At last, the pig saw the winter snow but the spider died. However, the pig knew the spider was always living nearby him.

So remember we also can make miracles as long as we make more friendship with others. Let’s make the world more friendly, more harmoniously.


Impressions after Stuart Little
" Stuart Little" about the United States New York one called Park Jang Su and ordinary families, they have a like a mouse size, look like a mouse boy Stewart. But one family did not get excited over a little thing, no more heave great sighs. In contrast, Stuart Stewart, a life has become even more interesting, had a lot of fun. The story is full of deep affection and deep love.
Especially the younger rats Stewart was full of adventure, optimistic to meet the challenge, never yield in spite of reverses in pursuit of their love. He is looking for his love of birds and Gallo, driving a mini car, to the north. Particularly afford much food for thought is until the end of the story, the younger rats have yet to find birds and Gallo, but he said:" I will always go to the north, until the end of my life."


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