
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

第一句:最好时间放后面,外国人习惯这样:My hometown has been changed a lot In the past 10 years.(中间不分隔)
第二句:take place的发生是指重大事件,并且有计划的发生.用happen比较合适,all over the world 应该放后面:This kind of thing happens every day all over the world.
The May 4th moving has been broke out in Beijing in 1919.
第四句:start用begin来换比较合适,其他的没问题:Classes begin at 8 o'clock everyday.

1. A little penguin
2. Three shy of pandas
3. Four terror of tigers
4. Five friendly of elephants
5. Seven beautiful of giraffes
6. Eight cute of koalas
7. Nine smart of dolphins
8. ten ugly of lions

  1. make a cook                2.water flowers        3.sweep the floor     4.make (one's)  bed

5.set the table          6.wash clothes        7.  do   the   dishes       8. clean  the    room

9.The use of computer            10.Clean the windows             11.curtain    12. garbage bin

13.clothes press        14.mirror       15.bedstand       16.bedroom     17.kitchen

18.The laundry room

1,Cook a meal

2,Water the flowers
3,sweeep the floor
4,Make the bed
5,Set the table
6,wash clothes
7,do dishes
8,Clean the bedroom
9,use computer
10,Clean the Windows
14,Mirror, 15,bedside table,16, bedroom,17 kitchen,18 laundry room

  1. cook meals

  2. wash the flower

  3. sweep the floor

  4. make the bed

  5. set the table

  6. wash the clothes

  7. wash the dishes

  8. clean the bedroom

  9. use the computer

  10. clean the window

  11. curtain

  12. trash bin

  13. closet

  14. mirror

  15. bedstand

  16. bedroom

  17. kitchen

  18. laundry room

  19. 望采纳,谢谢


  1. make a meal

  2. water the flowers

  3. sweep the floor

  4. make the bed

  5. set the table

  6. wash the clothes

  7. wash the dishes

  8. clean the bedroom


1cook a meal 2water the flowers 3 sweep the floor


1.make a meal
2.water the flowers
3.sweep the floor
4.make the bed
5.set the table
6.wash the clothes
7.wash the dishes
8.clean the bedroom
9.use the computer
10.clean the window
12.trash bin

15.night table
18.laundry room


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