哪位英语大神能不能帮我分析一下in what's代替的是文中的什么吗?

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
哪位英语好的能帮我解答一下 谢谢~

what。so what固定搭配,那又怎么样
dramatic。dramatic way戏剧性发展/结果
to。it is up to us:取决于我们
of。of all time:一直、始终
up。pick up捡起、捞起、接载
to be。think to be 以为是.....
without。without protest无异议、无抗议
to。rise to one's feet站起来
the。not the point不是....的最终目的。

A: 嗨,早上好啊,
A: Hi, good morning,
B., don't look good, ah, how?
B: 哎,别提了,说起来丢人啊。
B: hey, don't mention it, said a disgrace.
C: 哈哈,好像挺有趣啊,发生什么了,给我们说说。
C: haha, seems quite interesting, what happened, to tell us.
B: 哎,是这样的……咦,
B: hey, is this...... Hey,
D, how come your left eye like pandas? Is it right? Who play?
D: 嗯…哦… 昨天晚上不小心撞到的。
D: well... Oh. Be careful not to hit the last night.
A: 你的眼神告诉我不是这样的。哈哈,是不是被你老婆打的?
A: your eyes tell me that it's not. Ha ha, is it right? Is your wife?
D: 嗯,,,是的。昨晚我老婆说他亲我一下….
D: well,,, yes. Last night my wife said he kissed me... .
C: 亲一下就亲肿了?
C: kiss kiss swollen?
D: 肯定不是啦,我把眼睛闭上等她亲我,谁知道她一拳打过来,就成这样了
D: definitely not, I closed my eyes. She kissed me, who knows she is a punch up, just like this
C: you must have her angry at what place
D: I did not accompany her to go shopping with her angry yesterday,
A: 哈哈,你老婆很可爱啊,想出这种办法收拾你
A: ha ha, your wife is very cute ah, think of this approach to pick up your
D: 嘿,
D: hey,
A, I think you must be a masochist
B: listen to you say my mental balance.
C: Well, what do you thing,
B: I ah, busy yesterday, didn't take a shower, she doesn't let me sleep with her. I only sleep on the sofa... .

例句:In what's probably the craziest headline I've
ever written, I've reported that advances in livestock protection are
happening with scientists painting eyes on the butts of cows.



In what's probably the craziest headline I've
ever written,其中加粗部分是介词in后跟着的宾语成分,是宾语从句形式。

In what's probably the craziest headline I've
ever written
,其中加粗部分是上面说的宾语从句中的宾语成分,I've ever written是该宾语headline的定语,是定语从句形式,之间省略了that。

所以按照题主的意思,what代替的是the craziest headline I've
ever written。

In what's probably the craziest headline (that)I’ve ever written
in是介词 what 引导的是宾语从句 is probably the craziest headline这个句子缺主语 所以用what来引导
headline 后省略了由that引导的定语从句
整个句子意为 在我所写的报道中可能是最疯狂的一个内容提要,我已经对科学家通过在牛屁股上画眼睛来改善对家禽的保护进行了报道

代替 the craziest headline.

in是和written搭配的,正常语序是written in what

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