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【Environmental protection 主句主语】【should be given谓语】【 priority for any country宾语】【 that plans to provide a secure future for the younger generation.定语从句】
【any country定语从句先行词】【 that 引导定语从句,做从句主语】【plans to provide谓语】 【a secure future宾语】【 for 谓语动词provide搭配的介词】 【the younger generation介词宾语】.

此处是if 虚拟条件句的省略,例如:
If he had studied hard last year, he
could have gone to university.我们把 if 省略的话,句子就应该用部分倒装,应该这么写:
Had he studied hard last year,he could
have gone to university.

Nagative images remsin of who is living in poverty as well as what is needed to move out of it.
Nagative images 主语;remsin 谓语;of who is living in poverty 宾语从句;as well as 并列引导词;what is needed to move out of it.并列宾语。

主语是The negative images,谓语是remain of,两个并列的宾语分别是由who和what来引导,中间用as well as连接起来。


  • 15960559964英语四级,请求特别厉害的英语大神解析一下这个英语句子的语法结构...
    宰京英我觉得 整个句子主句是There is part of this sickening horror of knowing you’re walking on the edge with this.that I kind of like, knowing that it could all fall apart at any second 是含有一个分词短语作状语的定语从句。关系代词that, 先行词是(sickening) horror 因为horror后面还跟...

  • 15960559964请求各位英语大神分析一下这个句子~
    宰京英句子分析:Nagative images 主语;remsin 谓语;of who is living in poverty 宾语从句;as well as 并列引导词;what is needed to move out of it.并列宾语。

  • 15960559964英语大神帮忙分析一下这句话。There are questions that,understand_百 ...
    宰京英一。这是一个there be ... 结构。在这个结构中,主语是在be 的后面,即:questions 是主语。that, (understandably), are very often asked. 是个定语从句,修饰questions。二。understandably 是个副词,修饰上面那个定语从句。三。副词的位置很灵活。1。如果修饰单个动词,副词或形容词时,可以直接放...

  • 15960559964请教各位大神一个英语句子,并且分析一下。
    宰京英This development, coming as it did when the bottom had fallen out of the European economy, provided an impetus to a long-held desire to secure direct relations with the East by establishing a sea trade.此句子中间的插入语 作非限制性定语 相当于一个非限制性定语从句 , as it did ...

  • 15960559964下面有些英语句子,请大神们帮忙分析一下。。
    宰京英1、by the end of the century sea levels will rise between two and four metres. ( 句中为什么使用levels 复数形式?)根据句意,此处sea levels是指大面积海平面或多个海平面,表示具体的事实时加上s。2、 tonnes 与 tons 有什么区别?无区别。3、3 公斤面包,用英语怎么表达? 要加 of ...

  • 15960559964请英语大神高手帮我分析题目。。。,,,。。
    宰京英解析:表示倍数的方法很多,一种就是倍数 + as ...as ...,还有就是这种倍数+ the...of...,这两种只是表达方式不一样,其实没什么差别。5. Such an advice will do more harm than good.解析:再说一次,advice 是不可数名词,不带冠词。1. Two and two ( B) four.a. made ...

  • 15960559964英语大神帮忙分析一下这个句子(加上翻译)?
    宰京英a hatthat is coloured blue是一个定语从句,修饰的是帽子。said that that that that that girl wrote on that paper,这里比较难理解。第一个that引导said的宾语从句,第二个that是指示代词,那个,第三个that是代词,指代写在纸上的东西,这连起来的两个that就像汉语里说的”那个啥“,第四个...

  • 15960559964求大神帮忙分析一下这个英语长句~lincoln在gettysburg的演说的...
    宰京英这样看:It is for us(the living, rather,) to be dedicated here to the unfinished work.对于我们(活着的人)来说,应该献身于那些为完成的工作。which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.做work的定语从句,修饰work,哪些工作呢?他们(谁呢?who fought here那些在此...

  • 15960559964求英语大神帮忙看一下这句话里面存在的语法!!!过两天要讲给别人听的...
    宰京英在这个宾语从句中又有副词引导的原因状语从句 because things have become more difficult. 即宾语从句中套有状语从句。2. A large number of people chasing relatively fewer opportunities can create strong competitive pressure. 这里是很典型的名词从句简化为动名词短语做主语。A large number of people...

  • 15960559964求求各位英语大神帮我解答一下这道英语题
    宰京英The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning. 经理早上亲自采访了吉姆。经理采访Jim,那肯定就是采访Jim本人呀,加himself是多此一举。himself在这里翻译为“亲自”,修饰主语the manager。反身代词或强调代词可以做同位语,但在强调主语时,它的位置可灵活至句末,如本题。

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