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从未有。。。变化的历史 像。。。一样明白。。。世界上没有。。。的问题比。。。还明显。。。这翻译的

"I waive any rights, including I may have to purchase . "



①丢掉的不会是关系代词what. 否则,由what引导的从句作including的宾语,而 what同时在从句中作动词purchase的宾语,这就导致rights包括买的东西,矛盾!


③其实,紧跟在including后面丢掉的可以是the one of that.此时可以在purchase后面加上something.即整个句子可以是

I waive any rights, including the one of that I may have to purchase something.

:1.上句中the one of…=the right of…;2. that引导的从句作介词of的宾语从句;3. 整句译文是“我放弃所有的权利,包括可能会买什么的权利”。

“I waive any rights, including I may have to purchase.”

"I waive any rights, including I may have to purchase . "

“I waive any rights, including I may have to purchase.”



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    卜慧栋Anyone who's going to have the class tonight, please help fill in the budget gap for the absents,and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help yourself to make it,any food ...

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