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Germany's horse • Susan Steiner, the wife of Olympic gold medals and photographs held high, not only let people see a strong Hercules, was also deeply impressed by his deep love for his wife.
The most powerful moment: Natalya • Pa Dika, born with a disability in the lower right arm strong girl, known as a table tennis and Health "Venus."
The most emotion of the moment:
Canoe, other countries have players wear the proper uniform, but Iraq's players are already wearing the old T-shirt, but they are still strong game.
The most gratifying moments:
She is already 33-year-old German veteran Oksana that Alessandro • • Xu Fu Na Suoweidina. In order to treat his son suffering from leukemia, had her 26-year-old team back, this is her fifth Olympic Games, the women's vault and the silver medal, the audience expressed her admiration for them.
The most memorable moment:
• Nuer Zhan Taylan, the Athens Olympic Games women's weightlifting champion. Beijing Olympic Games after losing, Taylan at the end of a special pre-kissed barbell, moving.
The most aggrieved moments:
Beijing Olympic shooting competition, defending champion Zhu Qinan in the final rely on the reversal of the last shot won the silver medal. Zhu can not help tears.
The most passionate moment:
• Matthew Emmons head buried deep in the arms of his wife, and no one at this moment to see whether he shed tears.
The most persistent of the moment:
Russia's Isinbayeva in the Beijing Olympic Games women's high jump final to win the gold medal and create a new world record of 5.05 meters. This is the 24th high jump queen rewritten own world record.
The most courageous moment:
In the men's 10,000 meters in the project, in Ethiopia's Nisa - Kenenisa Bekele broke the Olympic record, but from Athens to Beijing, Kenenisa Bekele of inside tremendous pain. His fiancee accompanied him in training death.
The most tragic moment:
Liu Xiang, he lost his Olympic Games in Beijing.
The most warm moments:
Xian Dongmei, she became the first Chinese Olympic history, "Mother Champion."
The most shocking moment:
South Africa's Natalie - Charles Hoyt did not get a medal, not to be among the top ten, but all expressed admiration for her.
The most touching moment:
After the game, Luan Jujie held high in the market, "the motherland" of the stride length to the audience to express their minds.
The feelings of the moment:
Beijing Olympic Games, Du Li played twice, and twice to tears.
The cry of the moment:
Cao Lei in the women's weightlifting competition won a gold medal, after the match, she said, "Today's gold, I would like to dedicate the motherland and the people at the same time I was dedicated to the near death of the mother."
The breakthrough moment:
World record holder, Jamaica's bolt 9 seconds to break the world record of 69 wins, easily crowned the "Fast Runner" throne.
The most legendary moments:
"The only" Phelps, 36 years after the Olympic Games set a new personal record, as well as the Beijing Olympic Games to write the most touching legend.
The moment the most grace:
In the audience with an avalanche of cheers sound like a "king rings," congratulations, Chen Yibing was quite general demeanor of the fingers on the mouth, hands the audience quiet down, because the back of another player is about to debut race.
The most touching moment:
In a game never give up the model athlete - Yao Ming, who is representing the Chinese people unite tenacious manner in the spirit of the Hero - Lin Hao
The most exciting moment:
This is a gold medal the men, who have been waiting for for four




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