
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

把放下这八件事,你就离成功不远了:1、放下压力;2、放下烦恼;3、放下自卑;4、放下懒惰;5、放下消极;6、放下抱怨;7、放下犹豫;8、放下狭隘。翻译成英文:Put down the eight thing, you'll not far from success: 1, put down the pressure; 2, put down the worry; 3, put down the inferiority; 4, put down the lazy; 5, put down the negative; 6, put down complain; 7, put down the hesitation; 8, put down the narrow.

Listening is the people verbal communication ability, also is the important aspect of one of the important ways of learning English. Through the hearing understanding language is a complicated process, it includes accept information, identification, judgment and understanding of voice signal to wait a few levels of psychological activities. People accept information, through the brain to identify and understand the meaning of each voice signal, and then the appropriate feedback. Feedback speed, judgment, the same person correctness of the recognition and understanding ability and personal knowledge, experience has close ties. However, in the actual study, due to the listener is often difficult to even unable to control what you hear the language materials of clarity and speed, speech expression of speaker, to get the characteristics of limited time accurately understanding and mastery of the speaker's meaning is a fairly difficulty learning tasks.

Beginners to master a foreign language, we must improve your listening level. Only heard correctly, can read fluently fluent, said. At first, language is recorded, can reflect the spoken language communicative functions. In verbal communication process with intonation, rhythm, stress, and other means to communication double can better communicate. Learning language is a very important purpose with human communication. But the hearing of level and to hear method and proficiency directly related. For starters, commonly used method is: the hearing is expected, guess, gist-based and coherent memory etc.

说到梦想,我的梦想其实大部分男孩子都会有,就是成为一名飞行员。 Speaking of dreams, my dream, there will be a matter of fact most of the boys is to become a pilot.
其实这个梦想在以前始终只是一个梦想而已。 In fact, this dream has always been in the past is just a dream. 我后来去当兵,退伍后在航空公司做了一名空警,但是我一直没有放弃这个梦想,后来把握了一次好的机会,当上了飞行学员。 I then went to the army, retired after the airline made an air marshal, but I have not given up this dream, then take a good opportunity, when the students on the flight. 事实上,我已经圆梦了。 In fact, I've had dreams come true. 因为我已经训练了100多个小时,拿到了私照(PPL)。 Because I have trained more than 100 hours, to get a private photo (PPL). 后面我将出国到国外飞行学校继续训练。 Later I will go abroad to foreign flight school to continue training. 所以来到这里强化口语。 So, come here to strengthen spoken. 最后祝大家梦想成真。 Finally I wish you all a dream come true

自己翻译的, 参考下吧. 应该比较符合英语的表达方式.

My dream...a dream that most of boys would have...is to be a pilot.

In fact it was just a dream before. I became an air police after retired from army. But I never gave the dream up. Later I grasped a chance and became a student pilot. Now my dream has come true. I've been trained for over 100 hours and successfully got Private Pilot License (PPL). I will be attending pilot training in foreign flight school in the near future. For this I've come here to enhance my oral English. Finally...wish dreams of you all come true.

When it comes to dreams, I have the one which most boys are all have, and that is to become a pilot.
Actually, this dream was just a dream in the past. I joined the army later on, and after retiring, I became an air-police. However, I didn't give up my dream to become a pilot. Then, I got a good chance, and became the learner of flying. In fact, my dream came true. Because I have already been trained for more than 100 hours, and I got PPL. And I am chose to go abroad to learn flying skills. So, I come here in order to strengthen my oral English. Finally, wish everyone of you dreams come true!


Speaking of dreams, my dream, there will be a matter of fact most of the boys is to become a pilot.
In fact, this dream has always been in the past is just a dream. I then went to the army, retired after the airline made an air marshal, but I have not given up this dream, then take a good opportunity, when the students on the flight. In fact, I've had dreams come true. Because I have trained more than 100 hours, to get a private photo (PPL). Later I will go abroad to foreign flight school to continue training. So, come here to strengthen spoken. Finally I wish you all a dream come true.

Speaks of the dream, my dream majority of boys all can have actually, becomes a pilot.
Actually this dream in before only is throughout a dream.I afterwards became a soldier, after to retire from the armed services have made an early warning aircraft in the airline, but I have not given up this dream, afterwards has grasped a good opportunity, has worked as the flying cadet.In fact, I already interpreted a dream.Because I have already trained for more than 100 hours, has attained privately according to (PPL).Behind I will go abroad to the overseas flying school continue to train.Therefore arrives here to strengthen the spoken language.Finally wishes everybody to vainly hope for Cheng Zhen.


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