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Those who love it sometimes give the impression that it is an adequate substitute for food.It isn't.Words, no matter how satisfying,are never an equivalent for life itself and its human experiences.
那些有时爱它的人给它是 food.It isn't.Words 的一位适当的替代印象,无论 ,是多麽的满意从不一个同等物为生活它本身和它的人类经验。

be represented with本意是由……代表,这里有代理的意思

我们必须安静地上楼梯。 = We must tread quietly up the stares. We must be quiet when we go up the stares.
Twins是香港出名的歌星。= Twins are famous singers in Honk Kong. Twins are famed singers of Hong Kong.
玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。= Mary's father goes to work by car everyday. Everyday, Mary's father travels to work by car.
看电视太多不利于健康。= Too much television isnot good for health. Watching too much television does the health bad.
这位老人需要一把椅子。= That old man needs a seat. That elderly person requires a seat.

每个给你两个, 第二个更好的。

我们必须安静地上楼梯。:We must go upstairs quietly
Twins是香港出名的歌星。:Twins is a famous singing star in Hong Kong .
玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。:Mary's daddy have to go to work by car every day.
看电视太多不利于健康。:Watching TV too much is bad for health.
这位老人需要一把椅子。:This old person needs to sit down on a chair.


我们必须安静地上楼梯We must keep quiet when go upstairs.
Twins是香港出名的歌星Twins are famous singing stars in HK.
玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班Mary's dad goes to work by car everyday.
看电视太多不利于健康Watching too much is not good for our health.
这位老人需要一把椅子。:The old man needs a chair.

我们必须安静地上楼梯。”We must go upstair quietly.
“Twins是香港出名的歌星。”Twins are famous singers in Hongkong.
“玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。”Mary's daddy go to work by car everyday.
“看电视太多不利于健康。”Watching TV too much is bad for our health.
“这位老人需要一把椅子。”This old man needs a chair.

我们必须安静地上楼梯。:We must peacefully above the staircase.
Twins是香港出名的歌星。:Twins is the Hong Kong famous singing star.
玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。:Mary's daddy every day must operate compact car goes to work.
看电视太多不利于健康。:Watching TV too much is bad for health.
这位老人需要一把椅子。:This old person needs a chair.


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    阎茗养我们必须安静地上楼梯。 = We must tread quietly up the stares. We must be quiet when we go up the stares.Twins是香港出名的歌星。= Twins are famous singers in Honk Kong. Twins are famed singers of Hong Kong.玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。= Mary's father goes to work by car...

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