
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1.In order to achieve long-term purpose of money laundering, he register a domestic shell companies to transfer their illicit gains 2.As a result of this meeting to raise funds failed to meet the management requirements of the most at the end of the 80 percent limit, the Fund plans to eventually have to declare with regret the collapse. 3. In the contract before the expiry of one month, the Company will cease to accept new customers commissioned, but agreed under the Supplementary Agreement, the contract can be carried out not more than three month extension

Don't be cry again,refrain from tears, the winds know me that I had loved you.

节约用水=Water conservation
记得关掉所有的灯=Remember to turn off all the lights
=Use both sides of the paper, and use cloth bags instead of plastic bags
4、变得更美好=A better place
5、不用的时候我们最好关掉灯,而且少花时间看电视或上网冲浪=When not, we'd better turn off the lights, and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet
6、用手洗衣服而不是用洗衣机=Hand washing rather than use a washing machine
7、我们可以骑单车或走路上学,而不是坐汽车=We can bike or walk to school, rather than by car

1、save on water
2、Turn off the lights when you don't need them
3、Use both sides of the paper, or using hop-pocket instead of plastic sack
4、Make a better world
5、spend less time on television and internet
6、hand-washing instead of the washing machine
7、go to school by bike or on foot instead of by bus

1.Save water .
2.Don't forget to turn off all the lights .
3.Use both sides of paper and cloth bags instead of plastic bags.
4.Become more beautiful.
5.Turn off the lights when we don't need them ,besides,spend less time watching TV and surfing on the Internet.
6.Wash clothes by hand instead of washing machines
7.We can go to shool by bicycle or on foot instead of by bus.

1、no wasting water
2、turn off all the lights
3、use both side of paper,and use sack instead of plastic bag
4、be nicer
5、turn off the useless light,and do not waste your time in TV or surffing
6、washing by hands instead of washing machine
7、go to school by bike or on your feet instead of by car

Saving water
Remember to turn off all the lights
Use both sides of the paper, and use a bag but not a plastic bag
Make it better
When you are not we'd better turn off the lights, and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet
To wash clothes rather than use a washing machine
We can ride a bike or go to school on foot, not by car or bus

1Don't waste water!


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