
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Human resources are the means to promote economic and social development of the capacity of workers. Human resources management refers to the acquisition of human resources, development, use and maintain in areas such as planning, organization, command and control, human and material resources remain in the best ratio, and give full play of human potential, improve work efficiency, and achieve organizational goals management activities. With the global economic integration times, enterprises rapidly expand the scope of the competition, an unprecedented degree of competition increased competition among enterprises is in the final analysis the competitiveness of human resources, rich in human resources competitive advantage will it be possible to have the technology, management its superiority in terms of competition invincible. SMEs generally refers to the number of employees not exceeding 500 enterprises. The number of SMEs in China accounted for 98 per cent of the total number of enterprises above. In recent years, small and medium enterprises in China's economy plays an important role as the most vibrant economy in China's SMEs in the optimization of the industrial structure, increase employment and social stability, and increasing exports and taxation plays a pivotal role. SMEs human resources management situation directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. Shopping malls like a battlefield, SMEs If we do not attach importance to human resources management, human resources has not advanced concepts, not a set of international standards of human resource management system, not a modern human resources management team, it can not meet the current intense competition in the market. In this paper, by exploring China's current human resources management in the small and medium enterprises in the pay system, performance management and the growing problem of the brain drain by the existing problems, as well as analysis of the causes of these problems and recommend solutions to SME specific human resources management effectiveness countermeasures and suggestions.

1.Open your books and turn to Page 99 Please.
2.I have seldom seen a chair with only three legs.A chair usually have four legs.

3.hao much is five and five?five and five is ten.
4.hao much 9 subtracted from 29?9 subtracted from 29 is 20.

在讲桌上 on the lectern
初中 lower secondary
泰迪熊 teddy bear
去玩 go play
他们在这儿 they are here
食堂 canteen
二百个学生 two hundred students
爸爸的黑裤子 dad's black trouses
这儿是你的大衣 here's your coat
在……的左边 on the left of

on the table
Junior High School
Teddy bear
go playing
here they are
dining hall
200 students
father's black trousers
here is your coat
on the left of

on the table
junior high school
teddy bear
go play
they're here
dining room
two hundred students
Dad's black pants
here's your coat
on the left of ....

On the desk
Junior High School
Teddy bear
go playing
a dining hall
200 students
Father's black trousers
Here is your coat
on the left……

on the teacher's desk
junior middle school
teddy bear
to play
here they are
200 students
farther's black trousers
here is your coat
on the left of

on the lecture platform
junior middle school
teddy bear
go to play
they are here
a dining hall
two hundred students
my father's black trousers
this is your overcoat
on the left of sb/sth


  • 13895648190英语高手进!中译英~
    车刷刘1. As head of the cleaning team, I will assign every task to the most qualified\/competent person\/team member.2. I once helped my class prepare a dance performance.OR I once directed a dance performance of my class.3. Only those who can pass the exam are eligible for this ...

  • 13895648190英语高手进!汉译英
    车刷刘I lived in China's Harbin, here has already snowed, very beautiful.I also hoped can become the friend with you, you are very attractive, takes care

  • 13895648190英语高手进
    车刷刘their line of work :他们的行业 compensation:补偿,弥补;薪水 此段的意思是:即使是那些不找工作的人,也可能会发现搜索代理物有所值。有些人用它们来密切关注自己的行业,或收集关于薪水的信息来武装自己以备自己加薪谈判之需。希望你能满意我的答案。

  • 13895648190英语高手进(中译英)
    车刷刘在讲桌上 on the lectern 初中 lower secondary 泰迪熊 teddy bear 去玩 go play 他们在这儿 they are here 食堂 canteen 二百个学生 two hundred students 爸爸的黑裤子 dad's black trouses 这儿是你的大衣 here's your coat 在……的左边 on the left of ...

  • 13895648190英语高手进!帮忙翻译一下!(汉译英)
    车刷刘Zhe loot great care of Wen.哲无微不至地照顾着纹.He would leave the best to Wen at dinner.吃饭的时候,哲总会把最好的留给纹.Wen lived happily with the consideration of Zhe.纹在哲的悉心照顾下快乐地成长着.However, at a windy night,the master decided to send the fatter one of ...

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    车刷刘can form many opportunities and great energy for development.China and the United States have are extensive common interests and shoulder common responsibility in human survival, such as keeping world peace and security, preventing the spread from weapons of mass destruction, protecting the...

  • 13895648190英语高手进:汉译英+英译汉(拒收机译)
    车刷刘先送上中译英,英译中容后再上。 最后的补上了!!怎么都是机器翻译呀???A Free Soul, a Simple Lifestyle I was surfing the internet at late night on 3rd December, 2004, suddenly, the name‘Chen Shengshen’ flashed across my eyes…… I took out the photo taken two years ...

  • 13895648190英语翻译 高手进(中译英)
    车刷刘gourmet festival and so forth have assisted to promote the construction of modern industrial system. Furthemore, some of local large scale exhibition such as food and beverage fair, meadical fair, Asia-Europe disaster-control seminar have brought into play an important effect on further...

  • 13895648190汉译英!英文高手请进!汉译英!
    车刷刘那按你的说法,就是Do not f***ing look... 如果是看书,就是read,看影视作品就是watch.温和点和,则是effing、freaking之类的委婉说法,其实意思一样。希望对你有帮助哦~ 呵呵。祝一切安好。

  • 13895648190汉译英 (英语高手进)
    车刷刘4,Mary now lives in London She lives in the Hyde hotel two 586 rooms .5,He was born to November 2, 1985 .6,The first section class starts in 8 AM .7,Every day this boy goes to school while 47 groups buses.8,I go to school while the bus with more than half hours ...

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