
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

At about 10 'o clock last night, we have made our reservation in your hotel through the booking website, a double bedded room. And we have paid 4200 yuan by visa credit card. We are three people altogether, we are going to check in, and we need an extra bed.

1.There's no evidence to prove that he is the murder.
2.All the citizens of the country are extremely disappointed at men's football.
3.Harvard University awards him the PhD of philosophy.
4. The gangsters promise to release 4 hostages from the room.
5.Although this coat is very expensive, he bought it.
6.Because of careless,he got a failure in his final exam.
7.English enables us to communicate with foreigners.


1.The most unforgetful thing to me is the sense of being approved.
2.What I am most obsessed with is the smell of the wind.
3. What I lack most is confidence and self-control.
4. I firmly believe that it will glitter if it's real gold.
5. On it I'm working, ready to fight. Never have I doubted about my own potential, nor have I ignored the power I have.
6. I have been waiting,waiting for something that makes me put all my heart in.
7. Nobody can go back to the past to get started all over, but I'm pretty sure that anybody can get started now and create a quite different end.

1. To me, the most unforgettable feeling is gaining the appreciation and approval from others.

2. I always find myself lost within the obsession of the light fragrance brought to me by the wind.

3. My confidence and self-restraint are the two characteristics that I find myself almost famished from.

4. It is a true belief to me that the hidden gold will eventually release its glittering rays of brightness.

5. I am working hard right now, ready for the fight against my own limits. I have never doubted my self potential and will never forget the power i possess.

6. I have been waiting for a long time, for the one thing that will draw my soul to it and allow me to ruthlessly strive for it, giving in everything i have.

7. There is no one in the world who can rewind time and live a new begining, however who says that it isn't possible for someone to start their turning point now and write their own ending?

是英语写作水平,保证。 (国外人)


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