
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

善意的谎言——white lie
新手——green hand
害群之马——black sheep
可靠的人——white man
倒霉的一天——a gray day
股市经常有黑色星期四,gray day大意也是如此,灰蒙蒙的一天,心情也不会太好了。

今天,我给自己一个惊喜。那就是我修好了鼠标。 很多人都认为我最好买一个新的。但是我不同意他们的观点。 我不想成为一个要依赖别人,无法完成任何事,而要寻求帮助的人。从这件小事,我觉得万事皆有可能。人们似乎都觉得只有男人才能做修补,搬运之类的事。但今天我成功修好了鼠标。这是件不可能的事吗?不,答案是否定的。今天之前,我长期处于对六月底即将到来的考试的恐惧之中。因为我没怎么准备这次考试。我甚至没有什么信心。

Today I (gave) myself a surprise, which is that I mended the mouse.
Many people thought it (would)be better for me to buy a new one.
But I didn't agree with them.同意某人的观点
I don't want to be a person who is dependent and unable to do anything but to call for helps.
From this little case, I feel everything is possible.
It seems that only men can do things such as mending, carring and so on.
But I did it today. Is it an impossible thing? Not, the answer is not.
Before today, I have been spent a long time in being afraid of the coming exam that I had applied in late June.
Because I take so little time in preparing the exam. I even don't have any confidence.
Everything changes in today.
In a word, nothing is impossible. This sentence is enough to explain any behavior that seems can't be done.

Key word: Social security system, question, consummation
Paper abstract:
First, the narration social security system construction function, and pointed out our country right now is in the social reforming time, the perfect social security system construction is a long-term project.
Second, introduced our country social security system constructs the nearly 50 year basic situations, has experienced:The labor insurance, the social overall plan and a center, two guarantee, three safeguards lines three stages. And explained specifically each stage labor insurance system has an effect and the existence shades the end.
Third, from five aspects explained our country social security system construction existence the main question, is concrete is: 1.The fund receives does not arrive at, falls into the financial crisis; 2.Individual account spatial account movement; 3.The socialized degree low, the state-owned enterprise burden is overweight; 4.Management method backward, the foundation work is weak; 5.The legal framework is not perfect.
Fourth, the current social security must cause value several hot spots of society for example: 1.Population and employment; 2.Age oldering; 3.Peasant laborer; 4.Region difference; 5.Bears heavily; 6.Outside the wages receives.
Fifth, acts according to our country social security system the basic situation and the existence main question, elaborated the consummation social security system way with emphasis from four aspects: First, correct assurance consummation social security system principle; Second, the consummation had social security system; Third, exploration social security system new domain; Fourth, perfect social security system fund safeguard mechanism.


三、从五个方面说明我国社会保障系统建设存在的主要问题,具体为:1.基金收不抵支,陷入财务危机; 2.个人账户空账运行; 3.社会化程度低,国有企业负担过重; 4.管理手段落后,基础工作薄弱; 5.法律体系不健全。
四、当前社会保障需引起重视的几个社会热点问题如: 1.人口与就业; 2.老龄化; 3.农民工 ; 4.区域差别 ; 5.负担沉重; 6.工资外收入。

Keyword : social security system, problems, improve
Paper summary :

1, described the role of the social security system, and noted that China is now in a period of social transformation, the improvement of the social security system is a long-term project.

2, China's social security system, introduced nearly 50 years of basic, experienced : labor insurance, social co-ordination and one center, two guarantees, three lines of support in three phases. And to specify various stages of labor insurance system and the role of the four-existence.

3, and from 5 shows that China's social security system are some of the major issues,in particular : 1.Fund Shortfall in income over expenditure, a financial crisis 2.Personal accounts empty accounts operation;
3.Low level of socialization, overburdened state-owned enterprises;
4.Management tools backward, weak foundation work;
5.Legal system is not perfect.

5, according to the country's social security system and the basic main problems from the four focus on ways of improving the social security system : first, a correct grasp of the principles of improving the social security system;
Second, improve the existing social security system;
Third, to explore new areas of the social security system;
4, improve the social security system funding mechanism.

Thesis summary:
A,describe society guarantee system construction of function, and point out our country is be placed in the society transformation period now, perfect society guarantee the system construction is a long-term engineering.
Two,introduction the our country society guarantee the system constuct the basic circumstance of 50 years, experience: labor insurance,the society orchestrate and an inside heart,twos insure,three stages with three guarantee lines.Combine to concretely explain each function that the stage labor insurance system rise and exist of cover to carry.
Three,explain an our country a society a guarantee system to constuct existent key problem from five aspect, concrete is:1.The fund accepts and doesn't arrive, getting bogged down in a finance crisis; 2.Personal account the empty 账 circulate; 3.Acculturate degree low, the stateowned business enterprise burden is over-weight; 4.Manage the means fall behind, the foundation work is weak; 5.The law system isn't sound.
Four,current the society guarantee several that need to be caused a value society hot point problem such as: 1.The population and employment; 2.The advanced age turn; 3.Farmer work; 4.District difference; 5.The burden is heavy; 6.Wages outside income.
Five,according to our country society guarantee system of the basic circumstance and existent key problem, discussed a perfect society a guarantee system from four aspect points of path:The first, the exactitude holds the principle of the perfect society guarantee system;The second, perfect have already have of society guarantee system;The third, investigate a society a guarantee the new realm of the system;The fourth, perfect society guarantee the funds of the system guarantee mechanism.


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