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What about the following one?
It is just like what I have mentioned in my last mail, since there is a good learning environment for English in your country, there are many Chinese colleges and universities have developed some projects in educating students together with colleges and universities from your country already. Some of the projects asked for high requirements on the graduation of the students, while some others asked a lower threshold on entrance and also lower requirements on the graduation. In this case, I also want to know weather your school has the intention to cooperate with Chinese schools on this kind of cooperation or not, including the course for both undergraduate and graduate.
For instance, take the school which I am currently working in as an example, I have a primary assumption on this kind of cooperation.
Our school is a full time privately-run higher vocational college; the grades for most of the students are not very good. Students in our college can get a junior college diploma which will be issued by our school after 3 years studying. After their graduation, they will go to your school and study for nine to twelve months, and then your school will issue them a graduation certificate (Undergraduate certificate) which is admitted by the Ministry of Education in your country. The intake of the students is about 10 for the first year, and from the second year, the number could be increased to 50 to 100 or even more, and you can charge them about 150,000.00RMB (about 25,000.00USD) per year as the tuition fees.
But the quality of the students may not be very high for the first year, and it could be difficult for them to learn at your school, though you have to try the best to guarantee that they can get the graduation certificate after one year’s study.
If you are interest in such kind of cooperation, I can report to our school authorities first and then we can negotiate about the details of the agreement.


Good afternoon, little friends. I am Brother Xiaoxin. Today, I am going to teach you how to make different shapes of balloons. First of all, I will teach you how to make a nice sword. Fill a balloon with air, not too much though, and then squeeze it from the knot area. We squeeze it into a small bubble first and then a long one. Bind the the ends of the long bubble together to form a balloon circle, out of which make three small balls. Push the end of the balloon throgh the balloon circle and a nice sword will be made after some part of the balloon goes through the circle. Give it a try, little friends.
Just now, I taught you how to make a nice sword. Now, I am going to teach you how to make a little dog. Take a balloon, squeeze one long bubble out of it and then two long bubbles. Then, twist the last two bubbles together, which make the head of the little dog.Then, we squeeze a short bubble and two long ones, put last two long bubbles together to make the front legs of the dog. After that, we squeeze a longer bubble, and two long ones like before, put them together and adjust the positions. Now, a little dog is made! Little friends, have you learnt it? If not, just ask Brother Xiaoxin.
OK, we will learn that much today. Little friends, I hope you will like it. Well, bye bye, my little friends.

I enriched my life by participating in some activities in college, such as accounting ERP competition, basketball game, and volleyball game.(在正宗的英语里运动类比赛都叫做game,不要用contest之类的). These activities enriched my life as well as my professional capabilities. I have learned being independence and having determination in college. I will set a goal and keep working as hard as I can for it in the rest of my college life. I believe I can make it!(这是一句很正宗的美式英语)

【In college I participated in various activities, which enriched my leisure time, enterprise resource planning competitions, basketball and volleyball games for example. All these above,definitely, filled in my life time while helped promote my professional knowledge acquisition. College has taught me independence and made me know that a strong will is essential in doing anyting. I have learnt to make a goal and then fight for it when look back upon my campus time. I firmly believe that I will succeed.】

In order to enrich my after-class life in the university, I took part in certain activities such as the ERP competition and the basketball and volleyball matches. They helped in improving my professional knowledge while enriching my life. The university taught me to be independent and taught me to do things with perseverance. I learned how to set up a goal and strive for it. I am sure that I will succeed.

I enriched my life by taking part in some activities when I was in the University, such as participate in ERP competition, basketball and volleyball, which enriched my life as well as improved my professional knowledge. I have become more independent and more perseverant through the University learnning. A new
goal is built and I will strive for it in my college life, and I believe I can do it .

By attending some activities at university and enriched my life, such as accounting ERP competition, basketball and volleyball. These enrich my life and also make my professional knowledge improved. University let I learned to independence, let I learned to do anything must have perseverance. In college I will set up a goal, and strive for. I believe I can make it.

By attending some activities in the university, enrich my business lifeAccounting ERP competition, for example, basketball, volleyball。These enrich my life and also make my professional knowledge improved。University let I learned to independence, let I learned to do anything must have perseverance。In college I will set up a goal, and strive for. I believe I can make it

In the University by taking part in some activities, enrich my business life, such as taking the accounting ERP contest, basketball, volleyball. These enriched my life and my professional knowledge and improve. University, I learned independence, let I learned to do anything must have perseverance. In the university I will set a goal, and strive for. I am sure I will be successful.


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