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Investment risk may give investors bring than expected earnings, can also bring beyond the expected losses. From a financial perspective, unable to achieve the expected risk refers mainly to the possibility of reward. Understand the risk of investment in basic information, will existing in the investment or potential risk identification measure. It requires management personnel in the field investigations after, use all sorts of methods of the potential and the existence of various risks for system classified, and sums up the enterprise project all risks facing the type is also risk identification, it is to measure the risk of the premise and foundation.
This article through to the enterprise the risk of investment analysis, understand the cause of formation of the investment risks and influencing factors. Then through the contents of the detailed analysis of, and finally to combining previous experience of enterprise investment risks of the measurement and evaluation. Predict risk depends on the risk of effective assessment of investment decision-making process. Venture capitalists hope to see good project is right at the right time for entrepreneurs have the right technology, and there exists or will be able to create the right market, finally the payback.

Our country market marketing present situation and trend of development
Market marketing to survival with our country's very important. This article had demonstrated our country market marketing's present situation, Our country Enterprise has faced the market marketing environment, and has based on this forecast our country market marketing trend of development. [key word] the market marketing present situation environment tendency market marketing is enterprise's one kind of market operative activity, namely the enterprise from satisfies the consumer demand to embark, the synthesis utilizes each market management method, overall sells the commodity and the service gives the consumer. The market marketing is includes marketing stage and so on strategic decision, production, sale total cyclic processes. Enterprise in market marketing, regardless of being engaged in the market investigation and study, the product development, the establish price, the advertisements propaganda, stressed that take consumer's demand as the guidance, not only meets the consumer existing realistic need, but must stimulate, transform each kind of potential demand, then guides and creates the new demand; Not only will satisfy consumer's near future, the individual need, but must take into consideration the expense the long-term need, will maintain the public the overall benefit. The market marketing in our country may say that is newly emerging things, the planned economy does not have the market marketing. Consummates unceasingly along with our country socialist market economic system, the market marketing guides the national consumer behavior, the instruction state-owned enterprise to produce active the function to appear day by day, its importance grows day by day. Understood that our country market marketing the present situation and the prospects for development, regarding our country economy's development and enterprise's survival are very important.

中国市场营销概念 Chinese market marketing concept营销现状 marketing present situation

网络利弊 two sides of internet;航空发展 aviation development;
传媒发展的利弊 two sides of media development;技能 skill
学历 education degree; 工作阅历 working experience
工作加班 work overtime; 应试教育 examination-oriented education
英语学习 English study; 创新思维 innovation thinking
考试作弊 cheating in examination;
同学之间互相攀比keep up with class;散伙饭 goodbye meal
水污染 water pollution; 汽车尾气 automobile exhaust
沙尘暴 sand storm; 温室效应 greanhouse effect
动植物保护 animal and plant protection;排队 queuing
鼓掌 clapping;文明言行 civilized words and actions
谦虚谨慎 humility and cautiousness; 志愿者 volunteers
交通问题 transportation problem;
对经济和环境发展的影响 effect to the economic and environment
谈恋爱 be fall in love; 兼职打工 work part-time;
占座 take the seat with something; 80后 80 generations;
大学生心理问题 psychological problem of the college students;
幸福观 happiness concept; 迷信 superstition
身体健康 keep fit; 减肥 lose weight;
火车提速 speed-up the train; 旅游 travel around
黄金周 Chinese golden weeks

Advantages and disadvantages of Network,development of aviation , and advantages and disadvantages of media development, skills, education, work experience, work overtime, the examination-oriented education, English language learning, innovative thinking, cheating in examinations, comparisons between students, dinner for of a group to dissolve, water pollution, automobile exhaust, dust storms, the greenhouse effect, flora and ainimal protection, queuing, clapping, in words and deeds modesty and prudence, volunteers, transport problem, economic and environmental development of the impact of falling in love, part-time employees, representing Block, after80, college students psychological problems, happiness concept, superstition, health, diet, the train speed, tourism, Golden Week


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