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Hi! Uncle Charlie and Aunt Susan,I am Taylor!
How are you?And how is George?
Not contracting with you for so long is my flaut,please forgive me.
I returned back to China and very fine.Don't worry about me.After returning,I talked all that happende in England to my parents,and my parents are grateful for yours' taking caring.They send to your wishes.
I read the messages given by Aunt Susan.Now,i can use knife and fork.
I will send E-mail to you to keep contract.I said,I will return England again,I can do it.
Best wishes!I am looking forward your reply.Miss you!
your kid


Putting an end to current life means to start a brand-new life, and now it's the time for me to make some change, as I've had it enough, and those I like have far gone.

护工 Orderly
护士 Nurse
护师 Nurse practitioner
主管护师 Nurse-in-charge
副主任护师 Associate senior nurse
主任护师 Full senior nurse

护士长 Head nurse
科护士长 department head nurse
护理部副主任 Co-chief of nursing department
护理部主任 Chief of nursing department
内科 Medical department
外科 Surgical department

2.时间 原有人数 现有人数 时间 转入 转出 出院 入院 出院 手术 待产 生产 引产病危 病重 死亡 病危

护工 Orderly
护士 Nurse
护师 Nurse practitioner
主管护师 Nurse-in-charge
副主任护师 Associate senior nurse
主任护师 Full senior nurse

护士长 Head nurse
科护士长 department head nurse
护理部副主任 Co-chief of nursing department
护理部主任 Chief of nursing department
内科 Medical department
外科 Surgical department


Words title care nurse nurse practitioner nurse-in-charge, deputy director of the nurse practitioner...


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