
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1 她想了解关于美国的历史。
She wants to learn about American history.

2 我真的了解他,真的认识他。
I really know him, really know him.

3 在那个商店里,你能买起什么?
in that shop, you can buy a what?

4 他12岁,但他还不能帮助别人。
He is 12 years old, but he can ’t help others.

we have the sports bag,only 100 dollar.

6 我和我的父母每月进行家庭游
I and my parents family trip on month

Can he swim?NO,but his guitar very well.

Our class has 57 students.

1 它不会如此便宜的,因为它只生长在热带地区。
2 一日一苹果,医生远离我。
3 如果多啦A梦真的存在,一切都会好起来的。
4 这个测试只是闹着玩的。
5 别当真!
6 你总是把时间用在你真正喜欢的事情上。
7 把袜子的顶端切下来放进两个耳朵里,然后把它们做成正常的耳朵样子。
8 把它填到刚过脚跟的高度。

1.They have travelled to Suzhou by coach last month.
2.His friend took a walk with his child every night.
3.Fortunately ,he isn't hurt badly.
4.Please reture the book to the library tomorrow.
Please give the book back to the library tomorrow.
5.Xiaoming borrowed my CD last week but he hasn't return it to my till now,so I had to get it back tomorrow.
6.We are used to studying here .
7.Though the weather is cold ,farmers are still working in the farm.
8.TONY said that it was one of the most interesting trip he has experienced.


1.They travelled to HangZhou by bus last month.
2.His friend walks along the river every night,carrying his son.
3.Luckily,he isn't seriously injured.
4.Please return the book to the library tomorrow.
Please give the book back to the library tomorrow.
5.Last week,XiaoMing borrowed a CD from me.But he hasn't returned yet,so I have to ask it for back tomorrow.
6.We used to study here.
7.Although it is cold outside,farmers are still working on the field.
8.Tony said that this is one of the most interesting places he has ever been travelled.

1.The previous month they ride the passenger train to go to the Suzhou traveling.
2.Every night, his friend leads his child to go to nearby the nucleus to take a walk.
3.What is lucky, he injuries results in not heavily.
4.Please tomorrow return the book gives the library.
5.last week young Ming taking advantage of mine CD, but has not given back to me to the present, therefore I will go to tomorrow come back.
6.We are accustomed to study in here.
7.Although the weather is very cold, the farmer also works in the field.
8.TONY said that here is he once had had one of most interesting journeys

1.They went to Suzhou for a trave by bus last month.
2.His friend takes his child to the sea shore to have a walk every evening.
3.Fortunatly, he hurt slightly.
4.Please return the book back to the library tomorrow.
Please give the book back to the library tomorrow.
5.Xiaoming borrowed my CD last week, but he hasn't retureit back to me, so I must get it back tomorrow.
6.We are used to study here.
7.Though it is so cold, people still work in the fields.
8.Tony said that here is a trip of the most interesting ones he had been to.

1: passenger cars last month, they travel to Suzhou.

2: Every night, his friends took him to the edge of the children walk.

3: Fortunately, his injuries are not heavy.

4: Please return the book to the library tomorrow.

5-ming last week by my CD, but is still returned to me, so I have to come back to it tomorrow.

6: Here we have been accustomed to in the study.

7: Although the cold weather, farmers are still working the fields.

8: TONY said he had here is the most interesting one of the journey.



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