
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1. I have some glassware to be shipped to Hongkong, what risks should I cover?
如果我想运送一些玻璃器皿到香港, 我需要覆盖那些风险?
2. You're better cover your goods against breakage. Please let us have the policy as soon as it is ready.
3. In the meantime please let us know your confirmation that you hold the consignment covered.
4.For goods sold on CIF basis, our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice
5. They are not delicate goods that can not be much damaged on the voyage. F.P.A will be good enough.
6. The insurance covers F.P.A and war risk only. So the theft of goods is not within the scope of coverage.
7. We can insure the porcelain vases on your behalf, but at a rather high premium and the additional premium will be for your account.
8. The premium varies with the nature of the goods, the scope of coverage desired and the place of destination.

1 This news sounds encouraging,but wu are not encouraged.
2 All but one were here just now.
3 Mr Smith has changed a lot,and many of his friends say that he
is not the same man as he used to be.
4 Seen from the TV tower at night ,the city looks even more
magnificent with all its lights on.
5 A colour TV is three times as expensive as a black and white.
6 The day being cold,he had to be in.
7 The children were dressed in red and sang songs together.
8 In the dark street,there wasnot a single person to whom she
could turn for help.

1,millie坐在我前面 Millie sits in front of me.
2,amy坐在simon和我之间 Amy sits between Simon and me.
3,eiddie想住在餐馆的旁边。Eiddie wants to live beside the restaurant.
4,窗户正对着。 The windows face to the door.
5他的生日是在8月23日。 His birthday is on August 23.
6,我们住,12楼。 We live on Floor 12.
7,我们将于6月九号到达。 We will arrive on June 9.

1. ...sits in front of me
2. amy sits between simon and me.
3. eiddie wants to live next to the restaurant.
4. the window is ????
5. his birthday is August 28th.
6. we live on the twelfth floor.
7. we will arrive on June 9th.


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