
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1 i can't understand what he said.
2 the work we are doing is very important
3 what he has said is helpful to us
4 he has a good account of the life in army
5 what you are trying is too hard for you
6 what you have told to us makes us to be amused
7 i don't know what measure he will take on this thing
8 what you have done is none of my business
9 tell me what you will do in the summer holiday 谢谢


1,你恐怕还要卧床几天 i'm afraid you have to stay in bed for a few days
2,已经到时候了,我们只好不等他就上车了 it was time to go and we had to get on bus without him.
3,我们没等多久,他只迟到五分钟 we didn't wait for long,he was just 5 minuters late.
4,他常常得夜里起来喂马 he have to get up at night to feed the horse
5,粉刷屋子的时候我们得把所有的家具搬出去吗?do we have to move out all the furnitures when we brush the house?
6,他们查了很多参考书才找到了答案 they refered to lots of books to fine out the answer.
7,很长时间他都不得不靠邻居帮忙 he had to ask neighbours for help for a long term.
8,你去广东之前恐怕得征求领导的同意吧 i'm afraid you have to ask leader's permission before your leaving to Guangdong


1.I am afraid that you have to stay in bed for a few more days.
2.It's time to go ,so we have to get on the bus before he comes here .
3.We didn't wait too long because he was late for only five minutes.
4.He often gets up at night to feed his horse.
5.Will we have to move all the funiture out when we paint the house?
6.They didn't find out the answer until they checked a lot of reference books.
7.He had to depend on his neighbors (to help him) for a long time.
8.I am afaid you should seek the consent of your leader before you go to Guangdong.
I am afaid you should ask your leader before you go to Guangdong.


1.You may have to stay in bed for a few days .
2. It's time to go, and we have to get on the car so that we cannot wait for him on the last.
3. we did not wait long while he was only five minutes late
4. He often has to feed the horse in the night .
5.Paint the house when we have to put all the furniture out to go?
6.They check a lot of reference books to find the answer.
7. For a long time, he had to rely on neighbors' helps.
8.I am afraid that before you go to Guangdong ,you have to ask for the permission of the leadership .

1 you may have to bed a few days
2 the time has come, and we had waiting for him on the last car of the
3 we did not wait long, he has only five minutes late
4 he often had the night together weima
5 paint the house when we have to put all the furniture out to go?
6 they check a lot of reference books to find the answer
7 for a long time he had to rely on neighbors to help
8 I am afraid that before you go to Guangdong to seek the consent of the leadership of Bar

You may have to lie down a few days
The time has come, and we had waiting for him on the last car of the
We did not so long, he has only five minutes late
He often had the night up to the horses grazing
Painting the house when we put all the furniture out to go?
They check a lot of reference books to find the answer
For a long time he had to rely on neighbors to help
I am afraid that too before you go to Guangdong to seek the consent of the leadership of Bar


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