
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Tang Seng's Letter:

Dear Wukong,
I wrote this letter very slow because I know that you can't read fast. We moved to somewhere else already, but we didn't change the address, because I brought the doorplate during the moving. This week has been rained 2 times. One has been rained 3 days, second time has been rained 4 days. We went to pizza store to buy pizza yesterday, the staff asked me of cutting into 8 pieces or 12 pieces, I said 8 pieces is ok, we can't eat 12 pieces. The jacket that I sent you, I was afraid about overweight on the posting, I cut off the buttons and put these into my pocket. Chang E borned a baby, since I don't know the baby is a boy or a girl, so I don't know you're going to be an uncle or auntie. Last but not least, I was planning to send you some money, but I closed up the envelope already. Spring Festival is coming soon, don't forget to tell the kids about what happened from a long times ago: at that time, the sky was blue, the water was green, the crops were grown on the land, porks could eat safely, the mice were still scared of cats, courts were judged fairly, marriages needed to love with each other at first, barber shops were just cared about haircuts, medicines could cure the illnesses, doctors were used for healing the people, taking films was no need to sleep with the director, having photos needed to wear clothes, debts were needed to be paid, the daddies were right, the schools were not on profits, idiots could't be professors, selling dog meats couldn't hold up the sheep head, cannot get another girlfriend after get married, buying things needed to be paid, you'll get hit on the butt if not assign to the blogs and forums.

The environment is a world question. The environment questionappearance, has the factor which the nature evolves, also thedevelopment advancement which progresses with the human civilizationis related. Since the modern times Industrial Revolution, humanity'sactivity profoundly has affected ecological environment vicissitude,thus becomes the environment question to change the prominentdetermining factor. The industry civilization has brought thetechnical huge progress, impelled the urbanized rapid development,greatly raised people's living standard; However, when the people alsoare infatuated with when the industrialization tremendous victory, theecological environment destruction and the contamination concernalready 不期而至, and unceasingly penetrated along with theindustrialization intensifies, even has formed the big area, theglobal environmental damage. This article from the population explosion, the external speciesinvasion, the acid rain these three worlds environment questionembarks, through describes these three kind of environment question tocreate to the humanity greatly harms analyzes, has unfolded Earth'senvironment crisis to the humanity. When starry sky no longer deep blue, when the rivers no longer arelimpid, when the land turns wilderness, how will the humanity survive,how will face raises own Earth mother? The protection ecologicalenvironment, the relational general populace's basic interest, relatesthe Chinese nation development the long-term benefits. The protection ecological environment, is truly imminent!

传达室 reception room
个险部 individual insurance department
团险部 group insurance department
收展部 exhibition department
客户接待室 guest reception room
会议室 conference room
培训室 training room
卫生间 toilet

个险部 individual insurance department
团险部 group insurance department
收展部 exhibition department
客户接待室 reception room
会议室 meeting room
培训室 training room
卫生间 toilet

会议室---Conference Room/ 如果够大,还可以说Conference Hall(会议厅)


- Dept.
Mission Dept.
Exhibition at the Ministry of
Customer antechamber
Conference Room
Training room
The morning


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