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ネオスチグミン(英: neostigmine)新斯的明,是一种拟副交感神经药,其作用机理是作为一种易逆乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制药。
フィルム (英:film)薄膜、胶片、影片
ネオスチグミン フィルム の上から,从新斯的明薄膜的上面开始

We had our recognition awards program before the movie started,followed by a 15-minute coffee break.


  • 19838931523英语大佬帮忙翻译一下,,不要机翻,,谢谢
    叶盆琼答:回答和翻译如下:We had our recognition awards program before the movie started,followed by a 15-minute coffee break.在电影开始前,我们有我们的表彰奖励计划,接下来是15分钟的咖啡休息时间。

  • 19838931523求英语大佬帮忙翻译以下,不要机翻。==?
    叶盆琼答:StartTimeOfDay=8.0 此项表示在首次开启并进入服务器时的时间 ( 单人新建角色或服务器首次开服或清档后重开)ElectricalDoorUnlockFailureAssistanceBonus=0.25 此项为杀戮盒内的电门解锁每连续失败一次,就会增加的时间,以秒为单位。GoldLockZapperDamageModifier=1.0 此项为杀戮盒内金锁电击器的伤害倍...

  • 19838931523求英语短语翻译,不要机器翻译,谢谢大佬
    叶盆琼答:1. (工业大学以云南工业大学为例)university culture of Yunnan University of Technology 2. the cordial/gracious care/solicitude of the leader 此处的 leader 可换成具体的职称,如“校长的亲切关怀”可以写成 the gracious solicitude of the headmaster 3. 艰苦创业用 hard working 即可,立学致...

  • 19838931523哪位英语大佬,翻译一下这段话。尽可能用下面的词组。 (不要机翻)电影...
    叶盆琼答:We'd better schedule the movie for next week again.

  • 19838931523大佬帮忙翻译一下(英语大佬,不要用软件机器)?
    叶盆琼答:您好 翻译为:Hello!We are a new development team from China and have never developed any game. Our first game, we want to make it the first to be developed by unreal five. If you can, please send us the file of illusory 5 in advance. I believe we can develop the product...

  • 19838931523请大佬们帮英语盲翻译一下。谢谢!
    叶盆琼答:Xi'an is in Shangxi Province. It is famous for the terracotta warriors.西安位于陕西省。它以兵马俑而闻名。Sanya is in the south of China. It is in Hainan province.三亚在中国的南部。它在海南省。Hangzhou is in Zhejiang Province in the east of China. The most famous place there...

  • 19838931523求大佬帮忙翻译一下,谢谢,日译中,不要机翻
    叶盆琼答:ネオスチグミン(英: neostigmine)新斯的明,是一种拟副交感神经药,其作用机理是作为一种易逆乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制药。フィルム (英:film)薄膜、胶片、影片 ネオスチグミン フィルム の上から,从新斯的明薄膜的上面开始

  • 19838931523哪位大佬能把这句话翻译成英文,不要电脑自动翻译的
    叶盆琼答:Nowadays, the procuratorate has prosecuted investigations for several large economic cases, which has gained excellent accomplishments and people's satisfaction.立案查处,前面没有主语,我在英文里添加了procuratorate(检察院),群众拍手称快,我译为,赢得了群众的满意。

  • 19838931523大佬翻译成英文
    叶盆琼答:一般来说,你直接用Dai lo或者Dai dai lo,老外是明白的.(因为Traid的关系...)个人认为用always更为妥当.如果是军队的话,用Chief(头儿)更好.

  • 19838931523英语翻译!求助大佬~~
    叶盆琼答:The fine silk is blowing in the yard, and the spring is like the line. For a long time, the whole flower bed did not hide the half face of the diamond. It turned out that all the beautiful and red flowers were everywhere. Ryo Meijingnaha day, happy family, who's home?

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