哪位英语大佬,翻译一下这段话。尽可能用下面的词组。 (不要机翻)电影名是The Smiths?

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

my grandparents had a door-bell.one day,while i was doing my homework,i heard "bong..."."what is that?why not ring the door-bell?"i asked. it was grandma.i proceeded doing my homework.then i heard "bong..."."what is that?why not ring the door-bell again?"i asked.i must let them ring the door-bell consciously,so i wrote a note said " please ring the door-bell."and stuck it on the door.when i was going to get in,i found that the door was closed ."bong..."it was my turn.

当然,我已经有了Adobe Premiere Pro 版本号cs5.5,这款软件开始提供64位性能优化和自主数码单反编辑功能已经一年多了。但是因为一些原因,比如苹果公司许诺即将推出的新版的同类产品等等,我始终没办法像之前刚看到NLE interface(一种2D图像处理技术)时那么嗨,让我对这个软件也来电。 不过好在终于要等到苹果推出新版的final cut pro了,我特别开心因为这个软件肯定会特别好用,它能让我的双手舒服点。


We'd better schedule the movie for next week again.

哪位英语大佬,翻译一下这段话。尽可能用下面的词组。 (不要机翻)电影名是The Smiths?视频




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