
来自:有友    更新日期:早些时候

the Year of the Rabbit 今年就是兔年,兔子的英语是rabbit。也有人说兔年的翻译应该是:the Year of the Hare 首先在英语中hare的发音是/her/和头发hair的读音一模一样。但是Hare指的是“野兔”而rabbit指的是“家兔”,bunny则是指“兔宝宝”。

十二生肖英文:鼠Rat 牛Ox 虎Tiger 兔Rabbit 龙Dragon 蛇Snake 马Horse 羊Goat 猴Monkey 鸡Rooster 狗Dog 猪Pig。

The year of the rabbit is called the year of the rabbit because there are 12 animals in our country, namely the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, and the sheep. In my opinion, the Year of the Rabbit is a particularly lovely year. Rabbit symbolizes lovely and pure, so I like the Year of the Rabbit very much. In this year, people often buy a lot of things about rabbits, such as cute little rabbit hats, and couplets with rabbit patterns that symbolize the festival atmosphere. In addition, there are large paintings with rabbits that can be pasted on the wallSecondly, during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit, people will also celebrate traditional family gatherings, such as eating reunion dinner and exchanging gifts. In this festival, people will also watch the New Year's party and enjoy the traditional performing arts. During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit, people will also wear new clothes, dress up beautifully, and reunite with their families to celebrate the arrival of the new year. In addition, there are many interesting traditional customs during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit. For example, in this festival, people will visit their elders and wish them good health and good luck. At the same time, people will also present gifts to show respect and love for their elders.


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